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Brookline, Massachusetts

"Where's Conan?"

Mrs. O'Brien smiled. "He's in his room. He's writing his essay to Harvard."

    Conan was extremely intelligent. For his age, for anyone. He was an excellent writer, so excellent in fact that June thought he put her to shame. He could write comedic pieces, political pieces and even historical pieces like no one. His grammar was next to perfect. June adventured herself in creative writing. She wrote such well crafted dystopian worlds, and Conan often said her stories were his favorite thing to read. They didn't envy each other's skills, but rather helped each other in times of need. A good partnership.

"Howdy, sunshine." she said, as she opened his door. He didn't listen. He was too concentrated to do anything.

She sat on his bed and he took a while to notice she was there. "Hi, June. I'm sorry. Didn't see you there."

"Are you writing your essay?"

"Yes. I think I scrapped twelve drafts at this point. I am kinda nervous."

He went back on writing. She smiled. "Are you going to prom, Conan?"

He shook his head. "I don't think so. I feel it's kind of stupid."

June's smile dropped. "Why so?"

"I don't know... I'd have to dance with someone, I'd have to rent a suit... besides, I don't think any girl would want to go with me. So I'm not asking anybody."

    June sighed. She wanted to ask him, but she felt weird about it. He never thought of asking her, and it was kind of disappointing. She just wanted some company, and thought that he would be the perfect one. It would be just a night of fun and they would eat a lot... but now she would have to decide to go alone, or to find another prom date.

"I've heard you already turned your essay in." he continued, reading what he wrote at this point."

"Yes, I did." June paused for a second, her eyes seemed distant. She looked down.

"I wish dad could read it."

    Conan got silent. June's father had apparently left about a year prior. He left a note, but never said goodbye. June's mom was left in tears. She didn't want to talk about it, neither did June. Sometimes she got that vague look in her eyes, when she talked about her dad. He wasn't close, he didn't have time or patience to deal with June, and she would always end up with the O'Briens when her mom was away. Her mother was everything she had now, being a foreigner who came to the United States for a better life. She deserved so much more than this. She deserved all the love one could give her.

"What if I don't get in, Conan?" she asked, her voice cracking.

"I bet you will." he said, looking directly at her. "You are the most intelligent person I know."

    She was on the verge of tears when he said it. It promptly made her cry on the spot. He was so sweet. In her mind, June didn't deserve such kindness. She always thought that studying hard and trying to succeed as much as she could would somehow keep her life in order. But a lot of things happened, a lot of things that she couldn't control. The loss of her father was one of them. June considered it a loss – it felt like he was dead. He never came back, and June believed he never would.

    June always thought her mom was the foundation of her family, even before her dad left. She was a strong female figure, always defending June, fighting for her well-being. She came to parent teacher meetings, always worried with her daughter's grades. She taught June about life, and how it isn't easy all the time. But June never thought that her dad leaving would affect her so deeply. Sometimes she blamed herself for his lack of interest. She always thought she wasn't good enough, and that it made her father run away. Her mom assured her it wasn't the case, but June didn't seem to believe it.

    Conan stared as his friend cried. It wasn't fair to her. He thought, on a moment of silliness, that offering June his own family would help to ease the pain. But it didn't. He took her on vacations, on trips. She appeared on family pictures constantly. His siblings and his parents didn't seem to mind. They enjoyed June's company. Luke found a friend in her. She was adorable and sweet. But Conan knew he couldn't fix everything for her as much as he wanted to. All he could do was offer June comfort and support. These were tough times for her. And she was strong, but he understood her reasons to cry.

    Conan approached June and gave her a hug. She hugged him back, her arms around his lean waist. She closed her eyes and the tears finally ran down her face. He smelled so good, he always did. She was sobbing and he didn't know if hugging her was the right choice. But it seemed like she needed that hug. June actually felt thankful for this act of kindness. She felt safe in his arms for a bit. Safer from the cruel world. He didn't say a word, just let her cry. And she did, for a bit. Silently. She feared that even her suffering would bother people. One of the things that went through her head was... how can someone would ever hurt Conan? Mark and Scott were huge assholes.

He broke the silence. "You're more special than you think."

She sighed, and smiled.

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