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Cambridge, Massachusetts

"Congratulations, sunshine." June said. "You are now a human being."

Conan invited June while he was with Lindsey, and he was sure June wouldn't appear that day. He didn't have the courage to go and announce they broke up the day prior, and he didn't even know if June would ever want to talk to him again. His breakup with Lindsey was indeed to save himself, and to have some inner peace. Even if June rejected him, he would breakup eventually. But that kiss... meant everything to him. June didn't know they were over and she kissed him anyway. She had those feelings... and he couldn't be happier.

June soon learned that Conan and Lindsey were no longer together and at this point, she couldn't hide her happiness anymore. It was a bit mean maybe, but Lindsey wasn't like Roxy. When Conan was dating Roxy, he was really happy, he didn't have restrains. She lost the count of how many moments Lindsey had ruined because she was selfish and desperate for attention. Now June could admit she was jealous of Lindsey, specially of how Conan treated her.

No matter what was the situation, Conan never raised his voice at her or treated her badly. He wasn't innocent, but he would go out of his way to please her, while all she did was to treat him like utter garbage. June hated to admit it was a flaw, and she noticed this even on their friendship, he always worried too much his friend wasn't having a good time and June didn't need much to appreciate Conan's company. What she disliked the most is how deflated Conan looked when Lindsey complained of his humor, his jokes or any of his natural behavior. And June loved him the way he was.

She held his hand as they left the venue, and Conan and June decided to split. He gave his cap and gown to his mother, stripping down to a white button shirt, black slacks and black wingtips. His family drove off and the couple went to the nearest subway station. They continued holding hands, without saying much to each other, and just appreciating the fact they were together. Close. Conan decided to eat while they were coming back to Boston. They left the station and walked to the nearest Burger King when she saw someone, across the street. She stopped and Conan noticed she did and while still holding hands, he stopped and turned back to her. She was frozen in place.


Conan turned his head to where June was looking and she was staring at Scott. He felt her hand start to shake and he held her hand tighter, as to protect and comfort her. They entered Burger King and June looked down at her feet, while Conan continued to stare at Scott, trying to scare him or just to show him that she was protected. Conan knew he wasn't the athletic type, and he was sure he would be mercilessly beaten up in a fight against Scott, but he would do anything to defend June.

"I don't think we should eat here." June stopped right in front of the doors.

"Why not?" Conan turned his attention to her.

"What if he does something...?"

"He better not try." Conan said, and looked back at him. He seemed to be leaving.

June was worried, but Conan tried to make her as comfortable as possible. He loosened his grip, drawing circles on the back of her hand with his thumb and they finally entered the place. He was beside her as she ordered a cheeseburger and a chocolate milkshake and a bunch of fries. His order was the same, except that he ordered a diet coke to drink. They sat, facing each other and started to talk. The food was ready quickly. Conan wanted her to relax forget about Scott.

"So, Mr. Hot-historian-ginger-guy, how did you break up with your asshole girlfriend?"

Conan chuckled. "Wow."

"No, really." she laughed. "How..."

Conan unbuttoned his cuffs and started rolling his sleeves up. "I was sick of her."

June observed as his long fingers folded the fabric of his shirt, exposing the lovely freckles on his arms. "I don't even think we liked each other."

"What do you mean?" June said, taking a sip of her milkshake.

He shook his head. "We were a convenient couple. I was convenient to her, but she never stopped to think about how I felt. I realized it was one sided."

"Are you sad?"

"Nope." he smirked. "Should I be...?" Conan replied, chewing on his sandwich.

"No. I just thought you would realize it sooner."

Conan sighed and looked down. "She was manipulating me, we got to a point that we couldn't go on."

"What happened?"

He looked back at June. "She said I had to choose between her and you. And losing you was never an option to me."

June smiled and felt her cheeks get warm. Conan noticed and giggled.

"So you thought losing your girl for you smelly friend was somehow good?"

"Yeah. There's also the fact that I want to be more than a friend to you."

She raised an eyebrow. "What if I don't want to?"

"Get real." he shook his head playfully. "You do."

"This means I'm gonna continue stealing your fries." she smirked.

He nodded. "I'm okay with that."

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