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Brookline, Massachusetts

Conan went to June's encounter the next day at night, as he promised to go out with her without his girlfriend. It was difficult to convince Lindsey that he wanted some time away. He didn't like to lie and mentioned June would go out with him before he went to California. They got into a heated discussion and it was clear that Lindsey felt threatened by June since Conan returned to his parents' house for a few days.

The whole argument upset Conan greatly, he couldn't think of any reason that could lead his girlfriend to hate his best friend. He didn't bail on June though, they didn't talk in a while now and Conan wanted to talk about his plans after graduation. They met on a diner near their parents' houses, one that they were used to visit when they were younger. He arrived first and chose a booth next to the windows. She arrived shortly after.

Conan was bummed because of the state of his relationship but when he saw June, he forgot about it for a second. She came in, through the double doors, looking for him and smiled as she saw her tall, lean friend drinking a glass of Guinness beer. Her face lit up as she approached the booth and he couldn't help but smile back at her. As much as he wanted to be alone, he appreciated her company more than ever.

She sat on the opposite side of the booth and ordered two balls of chocolate ice cream with a lot of cherries on top, as she always did. And Conan also ordered a whole bunch of French fries. He was wearing a royal blue polo shirt and jeans, exposing the lovely freckles on his arms. She was wearing an adorable flower dress, red flowers on a beige background. She looked beautiful, and every time they met, she looked more and more marvelous.

"How are you, sunshine?" she asked. He sighed, and as much as he denied it, he missed to be called sunshine. June wouldn't do it in front of Lindsey, and Lindsey was around a lot lately.

He half smiled, sadly. "Not so good." He was honest about it.

"What happened?"

He took a sip of his beer, looking distant. "I told Lindsey that I wanted to go to California and try as a comedy writer."

June nodded. Conan continued. "She didn't seem happy about it, and she said I have no chance."

June frowned. "Why would she say something like this?"

"She said it's too difficult and comedy is a dead end, and that I should just go on and be a professor or maybe a historian." He looked outside the window, munching his fries.

June shook her head and sighed. "She shouldn't be so negative. I think you have... a lot of potential."

He took another sip of his beverage. "I was planning to take her with me. To start a new life. Now I can't."

June almost choked on a particularly crunchy fry. Something inside her wanted to believe that Conan and Lindsey weren't serious. Now he wanted to start a new life... away. June couldn't imagine life with Conan away from her. She never felt like this, so angry and... jealous. Angry at Lindsey, goddamn Lindsey for holding him down. And jealous of Conan's lips... kissing other lips. His hugs warming someone else's body. His soul dedicated to love another person. It did hurt.

"It didn't help that I told her that I would go out with you today." He looked down at the French fries. "She doesn't like you at all."

June blushed. Apparently Lindsey wasn't fond of her and it was satisfying in a way to hear it, but in a long way, she still had him. Telling him he wasn't as good, treating him like a pet, that makes certain tricks in exchange for food. What could June do about it? Was she the right girl for Conan? Evidently she never thought she was. She never interfered in his relationship because he seemed happy, but now he seemed hurt because he genuinely liked her.

"Didn't you..." June stuttered. "Didn't you... tell her how much this is important to you?"

"Yeah." He looked up, the sadness darkened his blue eyes. He shook his head. "She said this will pass."

They went silent for a moment and June reached for his hand on the other side of the table. His hands were big and he had long freckled fingers that she had always adored. She was devastated to see him like this, but she knew the only thing that would make him happy is to be in peace with Lindsey. She sighed and he looked at her. He smiled, as their fingers caressed each other's hands.

"Give her time, okay." June said softly, looking at his lovely eyes. "Maybe she will understand it... soon."

He nodded. "I always told you that you would make it big. I believe in you." She said.

His eyes glittered. "She should try it. If she doesn't understand your passion..." her voice faded away.

"Then what?" he asked.

Then she's not the one for you, she wanted to say. She doesn't deserve your love, your sense of humor, your intelligence, your humility, the sound of your voice... your smile. The way your eyes glisten and the shape of your cheekbones as your thin lips and mouth form the most beautiful smile, the wrinkles and lines of your cheeks and your baby blue eyes when you giggle, and she doesn't deserve...

She sighed. "I don't really know."


June walked Conan home that night, as she planned to meet her mom afterwards. Conan started to think if letting Lindsey influence his life so much was actually a good idea. He also felt that June wanted to say more than she was letting it slip. He also thought about this career move and if it was really worth it. He could lose Lindsey because of it, and as much as he hated this situation, he still liked her. Loved her? He was confused at that point. Love was supposed to be easy, right?

"Will you ever stop me from eating your French fries?" June asked, breaking Conan out of his trance. They were standing in front of his house.

"I don't care much." He giggled.

She was standing right next to him, his tall self looking so vulnerable. She stroked his left cheek softly, her finger tips felt warm against his face. "If you don't try, you'll never know."

He nodded. "Just try it and if you fail, you can always start over." She continued. "You have all my support if that means something."

"It means everything to me." He whispered.

He looked at her for a moment, until the urge to kiss the lips that have said those sweet words turned out to be unavoidable. His hands went to the back of her neck and her waist and he brought her close, to finally taste her after all that denial. She melted in his arms, as she also had been waiting for that moment for a long time. He held her so tight and desperately, but his kiss was slow and smooth, his tongue carefully caressing hers, like that kiss was his first experience and he was enjoying every second of it.

She could barely breathe, but she didn't separate at any moment. She felt so light in his arms, like a heavy weight had been taken out of her shoulders. He smelled delicious, his body was hot against her torso and she didn't want him to stop. She pressed him against her, her hands traveled from his waist to his head, and back again. Soft moans started to come out from both of their mouths.

"What is happening here?" an angry female voice stopped both on tracks.

They didn't think about the consequence of that kiss. Lindsey was standing a few feet away. Conan and June separated, both were out of breath and surprised by being caught in the action. Her hands still stood on his chest for a while, until she quickly took them off.

"Fuck." he muttered, looking at his girlfriend. "Not now."

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