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Boston, Massachusetts



"I want to talk about something."

June knew Luke would listen to her, and he would not judge. She knew... he had seen a lot of June and Conan together. Most of all, June needed a friend. She went to his place and sat with him to talk, and Luke was available, but intrigued as to why June suddenly called him. They decided to go out and eat where June and Conan used to. They ordered their cheeseburgers and a big portion of fries, Luke ordered a can of Coca-Cola and June a milkshake, as always.

"What's troubling you?" Luke asked, seeing the concern on her face.

June sighed. "I... I want advice."

Luke raised his eyebrows. "Okay..." he paused, and June noticed he probably found the situation really weird. "What seems to be the problem?"

"Well, your brother..."

Luke shook his head playfully. "Oh, I knew it!" he exclaimed. "I knew it."

"What...?" June asked.

"I knew it would be about Conan. You like him a lot."

June got silent. "I think I do..."

"We always wondered why you guys never dated. Now he's dating Lindsey, who's a trainwreck."

June raised her eyebrows. "You don't like Lindsey?"

Luke shrugged. "No one likes Lindsey, but the only one who ever told it to her face was Justin. We only have to stand her because she's dating Conan."

June didn't make it clear this was about a loving relationship, but it was clear as day, by the way Luke reacted, that he knew what she was talking about.

"I just... I wonder if I should tell him how I feel." June finally said.

"Why are you asking me?" Luke said, in a very lighthearted tone. "Of course you should." June giggled.

"I've known you since I was sixteen... and I also know my brother enough to say that he always liked you. He always did."

Luke continued. "This is not about me not liking Lindsey at all – I can stand her for the sake of Conan, but you came to hear my input on it, which I think you don't really need." he smiled kindly. "Just go for it, June. A broken heart heels, but the uncertainty and the regret of not saying anything never goes away."

She nodded. "Yeah. You're probably right. It's just... I feel like I'm trying to break up a couple."

Luke laughed. He leaned in and said to June: "Please do it, I'll pay you if you do."

June laughed. "Luke, you just said you would stand Lindsey for Conan."

"Yeah, but I was just trying to be nice. Please. Do it."

June and Luke continued eating and talking about their plans for the future, Luke's plans after graduating and if he really thinks his career as a lawyer looked promising. June assured Luke that he would probably be okay, and that she had faith in him. Luke appreciated June's kindness and wished her good luck on her education career. The conversation was uplifting and both of them appreciated the company.

After saying goodbye to Luke, June rushed home to call Conan. She had no idea where he was, but she desperately needed to confess her feelings for him, even if she had to do it via a phone call. As she approached her doorstep, she saw two familiar figures, looking for her. Conan and Lindsey, side by side. They noticed her approaching and turned to her. Conan had a sad, apologetic expression and Lindsey looked mildly annoyed.

"Hi, June." Conan said.

"Hi, guys." said June. Lindsey didn't bother answering.

"I hope you didn't forget my commencement is tomorrow." Conan smiled awkwardly.

June raised her eyebrows. "Yeah, I had completely forgotten it."

"I hope I see you there." Conan replied.

"Sure." June nodded. "See you there."

Lindsey tugged on his jacket. Conan nodded back to June and went away with his girlfriend. June sighed as she watched them go. Now she had an event she couldn't ruin... she felt like she couldn't wait much longer. Hopefully June would confess everything before Conan went to the other side of the country.

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