Breaking Point

75 3 0


Brookline, Massachusetts

"Oh, what I would give for a night with you..." Conan purred, right next to June's face.

She was standing on her toes, a few inches away from his lips. "Stop being dramatic."

June had her fingers on Conan's hair, softly touching his scalp. He gently sucked her lower lip and she smiled as he did. They were standing in front of June's mom's house, it was already dark, and the weather felt nice. His hands felt warm on her hips, he was holding her so close their bodies were touching, in a mildly sexual fashion. He smelled lovely, like he just got out of the shower, and it had been hours since his commencement, but she was still smelling so fresh. Her toes gave up after a while and he bent down to kiss her once more, and he could stand there kissing her forever if she let him.

"Just today, okay? I promised my mom I would sleep here tonight and she's waiting for me." she trailed a path from his cheek to his lips with her index finger.

He smirked. "Okay."

June kissed his neck. "Night night." She said, her lips lightly pressed against his soft skin.

He sighed, smiling. "Night."

They parted ways, and Conan walked to his parents' house, to give his mom a hug before leaving. They still turned to each other and smiled, before Conan went in. June was looking for her keys, when she felt someone coming behind her. She chuckled, Conan apparently didn't want to wait one more day. She turned to him, a big smile on her face.

"Conan, can't you just wait..."

A hand held her. "Not Conan."

Scott had followed her back to her house. She opened her eyes as soon as she recognized his voice. She struggled to get away from his grip, he was holding her wrist so tightly his hand was shaking. She looked at him, and saw nothing but contempt in his eyes.

"Let me go." she said, trying to look tough, but little June couldn't scare tall, wide Scott. He seemed determined.

He smiled. "So you're O'Brien's little bitch now, huh?"

June tried to kick him, but failed. Her keys fell to the floor. Scott took her other wrist quickly. "You're coming with me."

June screamed, but her scream was quickly silenced by one of Scott's hands, and he struggled with her, kicking and trying to scream, but he overpowered her. Scott dragged June through the yard, as she tried, with her two hands, to loosen his grip. It didn't make any difference. She started to cry, her muffled screams didn't reach anyone but the two of them. She looked at her house and at Conan's house, both houses had lights on, people were there, and they were so close. She didn't know where Scott was taking her, and she was becoming tired of kicking and screaming.

Scott was holding her by her waist, her back pressed against him and his hand continued to be on her mouth, she could smell his filthy scent as the tears rolled down her face. She tried, as a last resort, biting one of his fingers. She tried once, twice, but his hands were sweaty and the tears were making everything slippery. She succeeded the third time, drawing blood out of his middle finger, biting him so hard it caught him off guard. He loosened his grip and she ran to her house, screaming desperately, her mouth tasting like sweat and blood.

Scott outran her, grabbed her long hair and threw her to the ground. Conan and his family heard the screaming, and ran to see what was happening. As Conan stepped outside, he looked at June's house, and witnessed a scream that was silenced by a punch. He watched as a big shadowy figure dragged someone away by the hair. He recognized the shoes. Conan felt the ground disappear under his feet and a second later, he projected his whole strength into a punch, right on the side of Scott's face. The punch was so strong that made Scott let go of June's hair. He lost his balance and hit his head against the mailbox before falling to the ground.

Conan dropped to his knees, noticing it's Scott. He proceeded to punch Scott more, and more, lacerating his face in the process. June mumbled, and he didn't notice. June called, and he didn't notice. She screamed, her blood curdling scream resonating all over the neighborhood.


Conan was on full motion when he registered the scream and punched the concrete of the sidewalk, breaking the four fingers on his right hand and tearing the flesh around his knuckles. As he did, Luke and his father took him off, but he wanted to continue punching the apparently unconscious body on the floor. Scott deserved it, he deserved so much more than just that. Conan was filled with rage, bright red, the veins of his face and neck popping up as he tried and struggled with his brother and his father, because Scott dared to touch June again.

"Conan, Conan." Luke said. "Relax."

Conan was grunting angrily, still trying to reach Scott but he quickly gave up. He fell to his knees. He was sweating, breathing hard, his lips trembling. His white shirt was covered in blood splatter. June was laying down on the floor right next to him. He approached her, with the help of his left hand. Her arms were open, her long hair darkened by the pool of blood under her head, caused by Scott as he threw her to the ground. Her nose was bleeding, and there was blood coming down her slightly open mouth. There were tears under her eyes. She was out. Conan's trembling left hand went to caress her head, his fingertips covered in her blood.

Soon, June's mom came out of the house to see her daughter on the ground, bleeding profusely.

Conan wasn't that strong anymore. He cried.

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