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Los Angeles, California

"You're reading those..." June said softly. "After all these years."

    Conan was on his office, reading June's letters. Both of them still had the letters they sent to each other during college. Conan had them in a box, and June had other box for Conan's letters. She used to read some of them them at least once every six months or so, but she never saw Conan doing it. She didn't think much of it, maybe he just kept them out of respect. It filled her with joy seeing him reading them, though.

"This one is my favorite." he handed her the letter he was reading, while adjusting his reading glasses.

April, 1984

Happy birthday, sunshine!

How are you? I haven't heard from you in a while. How's life? How's the Lampoon going? I have good news! Remember that professor I talked about? He's gone. Surprisingly he moved to Scotland. I don't know why. I'm just glad he's gone. I don't know why he was so hard on me and I think I'll never find out. We got a new professor – she's very intelligent and kind, and she doesn't use her diploma to prove her superiority, a good start.

I miss you terribly, it's not like I can go around calling you, I'm a bit broke at the moment and I have so many projects I don't know where to start. Fordham is amazing, but you know... excellency. I'm doing alright. How's Harvard treating you? Do you know what are you gonna write about in your thesis? I'm dying to know. I bet it will be great. You still have a year... so no pressure, right? You're so intelligent. You can do this.

Anyway, happy birthday. You mean a lot to me. I'm glad we are friends... and you are great company. Really. Thanks for helping me with my English. Thanks for everything. I hope... you can answer this. My birthday is also close and it's just not the same without you around. Take care.


She smiled. "Oh wow, I was so into you."

Conan laughed. "Yeah, I realized that after reading it a few times."

June approached Conan, who was sitting on an office chair. "You know..." she touched his beard.

She was standing right next to his face. "I know you feel sad right now, but I'm just gonna say this."

Conan listened as he looked at her. "When we moved to Los Angeles in 1985, I had faith in you, and when you accepted the Late Night show in New York I still had faith in you."

He looked down. Her hand now went to his hair. "The Tonight Show is just a TV slot. Johnny Carson made it great. And Leno made it shitty."

Conan laughed, even though his sadness could be heard through his laughter.

"You deserve more than that. I still have faith in you."

He smiled sadly. She kissed his forehead.

"You're capable of great things. Trust your smelly friend."

He giggled. He hadn't heard that in twenty-five years. "I'm glad I married my smelly friend."

"I love you, sunshine. I'll always do."

Conan hugged June, and felt safe in her arms.

Author's note: Thanks for the support everybody! Just to clarify some things: this is based on what Conan says about his life, with some alterations to fit the story. Neither June, Roxy or Lindsey existed in real life. I tried to make this as believable as possible. Also, Jake from the bar is not June's friend Jake who studied with her in Fordham, to be clear. Conan married June around 1991 in this timeline, and they had one kid. Hope you had fun reading this! More stories to come!

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