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"You seem really happy." June said, almost out of breath.

"I am." Conan chuckled."

Conan and June lied side by side on the bed, she faced the ceiling and he was on his side, facing her. Both were flushed, sweaty and satisfied. She turned to him.

"I feel kinda dirty." she confessed.

"It's normal." he smiled. "My Christian guilt still torments me from time to time."

She giggled. "You understand."

He clenched his right fist. "My hand is aching a bit... I think I grabbed you a little bit too hard." June laughed.

"How's your head?" Conan asked.

"I'm fine, sunshine." she replied. "I'm okay."

Conan stared at her for a second. He sighed. "Why sunshine?"


He repeated himself. "Why do you call me sunshine? I always wanted to know why." he smiled, shyly.

She sighed, a bit embarrassed. "Well... there's no redheads where I come from. You're not the only one in Boston obviously, but you were the first one I actually saw..."

Conan silently paid attention. "'ll probably make fun of me."

"No, I really want to know... I won't. Promise."

June continued. "I... saw you on a bright sunny day and even all being beaten up, you smiled at me. My English wasn't so good back then, so I thought... "his hair is shiny like the Sun" and I started calling you sunshine after that."

Conan looked at her tenderly. "You accepted me as a friend even though my speaking was embarrassing. I'll never forget that."

"Your written English was always amazing." Conan said softly. "You just needed a little practice."

She pouted playfully, and started stroking his messy bangs.

"I love you." she whispered. "I think I've been loving you since I was fifteen."

"I never noticed how much I loved you... or maybe I always knew you're way out of my league." Conan confessed.

"Oh really?" she chuckled. "Your smelly friend is out of your league?"

He nodded. "You're too good for anyone. I'm just too lucky."

She smooched him, her hands gently holding his face.

"I love you too." he said against her lips.


Hi, this is June. I'm probably not here. Leave a message after the beep.

The next day, Conan and June forgot about the world, as they made love over the kitchen countertop. She was sitting on the edge, legs open around his waist. His hands were holding her hips in place as he bucked forward, thrusting into her. He bent over to kiss her, as her hands played with the back of his neck and his hair. The answering machine beeped over and over again, as both moaned of pleasure, ignoring anything that could interrupt them.

Beeping sound.
June, this is Luke. I'm sure Conan is with you, but I'm just checking. Mom asked for you today. I'm sure you guys are fine but eh... give her a call.

Conan was so much bigger than June but he handled her carefully. June now had her nose pressed against his collarbone, he smelled like Old Spice, wearing the shirt he wore the night prior. She grabbed his arms tightly as if begging him to go deeper and faster. He could feel her hot breath and muffled groans against his chest. The answering machine kept beeping. None of them cared. They were so close.

Beeping sound.
This is Jonathan Walker, the father of Scott Walker. I'm hoping this is June's phone number. We need to talk about your accusations against my son. I'm kindly asking you to call me back. Good day.

Conan threw his head back, appreciating the sensation of his cock going in and out her tight pussy. June came first, and he came right after, thrusting twice more, before reaching his climax. Part of his cum dripped down the countertop as they smiled at each other. The answering machine continued beeping.

Beeping sound.
Is this June's house? I got your number. What
the hell did you tell Conan? You turned him against me, how dare you? I bet you were seeing each other behind my back for years. He's a cheating bastard and you're...

Conan went to the phone calmly and answered it. "Get lost, Lindsey."

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