Chapter 1

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America was heading to meet his president, Trump. He really didn't like Trump all that much, but it's who the people voted for, so he had to deal with it.

Once the American got to the president's office, he took a seat in the chair in front of his desk. "You called me, Sir?"

"Yes, now listen. I want to make an alliance with the Russians."
America cocked his head at his president's sentence. "Aren't we enemies?" Trump nodded. "It doesn't matter, the past is the past. They would make a great ally, just think." The president got up from his chair and spread his arms dramatically. "We could buy more land, and what if another world war occurs? We'd have an extremely strong ally, and there's even more of a chance of us winning."

America nodded, thinking.
"What did you need me to do?"

Trump looked back at America. "I want you to go talk to the countryhuman of theirs, maybe you can get him to help form the alliance. You're going to Russia, so it can be in person."

America hid his shock. Couldn't they just call each other and talk it out? Why did he need to go all the way to Russia to bribe him to make him an ally? America sighed.

"When do I leave and what time?" America looked at the president.

"Tomorrow at 11:30 am." Trump glanced at the country. "You should start packing."

America nodded and left the office. He really didn't feel up to traveling, but he must anyway.

°~Time Skip~°

America was awoken by his alarm, it sounded like it was screaming for him to wake up.

The American groaned and got up, showered, got dressed, brushed teeth, ect.

He made a peice of toast and practically inhaled it. He looked at his phone for the time. 10:04. He opened the door from his house and got into his car.

Once he got to the airport he was directed to go to, he went through the normal airport procedures, and finally boarded the plane.

He had to sit near a lady and her baby, and oh god was that thing annoying. Even though he was in first class, he didn't feel comfortable.

'oh boy, this is gonna be a long ride.'

°~Another time skip uwu~°

Once the plane finally arived in the Slavic country, America got off and walked forwards to the exit. He got his passport checked and all that jazz.

America only knew enough Russian to know what he was reading and have a conversation with someone.

He called a taxi and waited for it to get there, so he could get to the tall country's house. He knew it wouldn't be an exactly quick drive, Russia lived pretty far on the outskirts of Moscow.

He looked at his phone. He already missed his country friends, even if he rarely got to see them anyway at home. But here he was even farther away.

He started playing some music he liked, and this was one of the songs;

(I really like that song for some reason :|)

He almost fell asleep multiple times, until he arived to Russia's house. He paid the driver and went up to Russia's door.

He was actually kinda scared of the country, he was pretty intimidating, ngl.

America knocked on the door, waiting for an answer.

He heard shuffling to the door and heard "......Кто здесь?"

"America is." The door opened revealing a tall, tired, Russian man.

"What do you want Америка?" the man grumbled.

"I- uh- wanted to stop this- being enemies, that's probably what's gunna cause ww3." America nervously chuckled.

"Что?" The Russian was obviously too exhausted for this."Why-?" America looked away from Russia's scary eyes.

"So we don't start ww3, and because it would benefit both of our countries very much." The American country looked up at Russia.

There was an awkward silence between the two, and Russia spoke up, "Why didn't you just go talk to Putin?"

America shrugged. "Trump wanted me to talk to you first. If we become friends, or at least decent human beings to each other, so we can talk to your president convince him to form the alliance."

"I don't think we'll ever be friends, but maybe we'll just be 'decent human beings to each other'." The Russian sighed.

Russia stepped out of the way of the doorway. "Come in."

America nervously stepped into the living room, and looked around. "Wow Rus, nice place."

The house was clean, neat, and has decorations here and there.

Russia scoffed, "Rus?" America looked up at the tall man. "It slipped up."

Russia Sat down on his couch, patting the spot next to him. "What are you planning on doing in the mean time?"

America lightly shrugged his shoulders. "I dunno. Maybe we can watch a movie or something."

Russia nodded and grabbed onto the tv remote. "What do you like to watch?"

The American smiled. "Comedy and horror, though horror scares me-" Russia chuckled, "That's the point тупица!"

They decided to watch the movie A Quiet Place.(btw I have no idea what this movie is about because I just looked up popular horror movies-)

Every time there was a scary scene, jumpscare, ect, the American country would hide his face, and once he even clung to Russias arm, who pushed him off.

The movie ended, and America was extremely paranoid, jumping at every sound.

Eventually though it was pretty late, and America successfully got to know Russia better without starting WW3.

"Hey Rus, I think I should go get a hotel or something, its getting pretty late." "Нет, нет, stay here and don't waste money. You can take my room and I'll sleep on the couch." Russia looked down at the smaller country.

"Thanks, but no. Your bed is your bed, and it will save you back pain if I just go to a hote-" The american was cut off by Russia "No, I insist you stay here. It would be inpolite to make you go sleep in a dirty motel."

America sighed. There's no point in arguing with him. "Fine, but I'll take the couch."

Russia shrugged. "Suit yourself."

1035 words

Heehee first horrible chapter- I hope you enjoyed? Anyway, пока comrades!


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