Chapter 12. How To Save A Life

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Listen to that song dammit it goes pretty well with this chapter!

Canada was the first country to wake up. He yawned and looked out the window. 'No zombies here y e t, that's good eh.' He heard his brother yawn and he looked over to him. "Mornin, Aussie, eh." He said quietly so he wouldn't wake anyone else but loud enough so Austalia could hear him.

The australian just nodded in response to his canadian sibling.

Canada looked out the window again. 'Today seems like a nice day for a walk, eh?' he thought to himself and then looked at Aussie. "Hey bro, wanna go on a walk with me? We can get supplies and stuff eh." He turned to the window one last time before once again looking at his sibling.

"Oh, yeah sure mate" Aussie replied and stood up. Canada did the same. They figured they should leave a note or something so their family and buddies wouldn't get worried. The note read, "we went on a walk to get stuff, eh. -Nada and Aussie"

The canadian set the note down and walked to the front door with his brother. They walked out of the house of potato and made sure to close the door behind them.

They headed up Belarus's driveway and on to the street. They wandered down the street and eventually found a convenient store about a couple mile away, (Bel lives in the sticks) and they also found a bunch more houses which all seemed to be empty.

The two countries decided it was safe so Canada leaned on the side of the small store while Aussie went inside to check stuff out (for some reason Aussie knows Belarusian and can actually read what the stuff says, unlike Canada who only knows English, French, and Ukrainian).

Canada slid down the wall of the building. He sighed and pulled his coonskin cap over his face. 'Might as well take a nap, Aussie really likes to take his time eh'

The maple boy closed his eyes and slowly drifted into sleep once again. He had a dream about him and Ukraine.

°~In the dream~°

Canada giggled and wrapped his arms around Ukraine. The smaller blushed a bit and took Canada's cap to hide it. He mumbled something into the hat and Canada laughed.

There was a whole group of countries that had decided to get together in Kazakhstan just because they felt like it. They were going to invite America amd Russia later since they heard that America was going to try and make and alliance between the two.

Anyways, both the Ukrainian and Canadian countries were sitting against a wall against Kazakh's house. They had decided that they were gunna be childish and play a game of hide and seek. Canada being the seeker.

2:45. The current run in Kazakhstan and approximately 3 hours after the explosion in Russia, which the countries weren't yet aware of (besides Russia and America of course). Radiation has spread all throughout Kazakhstan by now. (This is also the time everyone in Moscow was being quarantined, and America was planning on escaping).

Canada ran through the woods, trying to find Ukraine. He stopped for a second when he saw an abandoned red picnic blanket with some food on it. 'Weird.' He thought but brushed it off and continued to run through the forest screaming he was gunna find Ukie.

He changed his full out run to a slower speed-walk. He started to get worried when all of a sudden he heard rustling noises. He smirked knowing it was probably Ukraine. He went into the bushes to try and scare him.

He moved the branches and leaves out of the way so he could see Ukie.


What he saw.

Was definitely the last thing he wanted to see.


Being torn apart.

By a family of........disgusting...
..humanoid........t h i n g s

Canada started crying. He couldn't help it.

He had just lost the one he loved the most.

One of the things noticed him and started to go towards him. Canada noticed just in time and bolted back to the house.

Tears streaming down his red and white freckled face.


'Why do I feel- pain?'

°~end of dream~°

Canada shot up from the wall crying. He wiped his eyes and looked around. Everything was blurry.

A sudden wave of emmense pain flashed over him.

He screamed as loud as possible.

"M- w-what's happe-" it blacked out for him. Nothing. He felt nothing. He felt no more pain. He couldn't think anything. He couldn't do anything at all. As if-

He were frozen in time.


He was actually-

°~Australia's POV~°

I can't.

I can't


I couldn't.

I couldn't do anything- I- I'm so sorry Nada.

This is my fault.

I don't deserve this.


He doesn't deserve this.

I can't beleive it.

I didn't even notice.



I could've

Saved him.

°~back to third pov....~°

Australia ran all the way back to Belarus's house with a face full of tears.

He didn't look back once.

He didn't want to remember what he blamed himself for.

He burst through the doors and immediatly fell to his knees. America was the first to his side. One by one the countries went to his side.

Asking him what was wrong. None of which their questions were answered. They were only replied with sobbing.

"Wh-where's Nada?" The kiwi sibling questioned his brother. Aussie went silent for a moment, holding his breath and sobbing in.

The silence was all that was needed to answer that question.

America started to tear up. "D-don't tell me he..........


989 words.

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