Chapter 7

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HhhHhh sorry for not updating sooner- Idk why I didn't- I mean I did have things to do but I still could have done them in between- Anyway on with the story!

America and Russia were chatting when the two heard a bang at the store's door.

Silence. Then America spoke up, "What the hell was that?" He looked up at Russia with a questioning face, which Russia just replied with a shrug.

Suddenly the two heard banging on the door again. Russia tried to walk as silently as possible over to the backpack, which he had taken a few weapons from
the first store the countries had visited.

The tall Slav grabbed a gun that he had taken, while the banging from outside continued.

He then whispered to America, "Go hide in the backroom." America nodded in response and quietly scrambled to the backroom.

Russia had the gun (which is a pistol btw) in one hand and opened the door slowly with his other free hand.

The door seemed as though it was about to barge open, and Russia used his big stronkness to hold it closed.

America peaked out of the backroom and saw the situation Russia was in, and quickly yeeted over to help him.

"Америка- I thought I told you to hide in that room-" Russia kinda struggled to say that, because he was holding the door shut.

America looked up at Russia and replied, "Well- what if this is a whole heard of zombies? You would need some back-up, right?"

Russia nodded and got and idea- it most likely wouldn't work but it was worth a shot. "Аме, I need you to grab the back pack and leave through the back door, and don't worry, I will follow you shortly after you leave."

"Alrighty, see you outside then Ruski." America grabbed the the back pack, and opened the back door which had another door he escaped out of. He also made sure that he left the doors open so Russia could get through and not get mauled by zombies.

Russia grabbed a nearby chair and shoved it under the doorknob. He then ran through the same doors America had run through, and this time he closed the doors, and locked them, after he exited through them.

America quickly spotted Russia and said, "We should probably get really far away from this place, ooh, what if we found a car?" America looked up at the taller country, who just shrugged.

"I don't think it matters how we get away, but more of if we get away. Now enough talking, we have to leave n o w." Russia jumped the fence with ease, unlike America who almost ripped his pants while doing so.

The two countries ran for a while, and then they eventually found a car which had a decent amount of gas and the keys where already in the car (I swear they just think about whatever they might need and it just appears).

"Well this is certainly nice, eh?" America looked at Russia who nodded in response.

They drove for a good couple of hours before the gas finally ran out.

There wasn't any gas stations around either.

"Dammit-" Russia cursed to himself as he pulled over. He shook America who had decided to take a nice car nap. "Америка, wake up, it seems as though we have to start walking again."

The American grumbled, and his eyes flickered open. "We have to do what now?" He yawned loudly.

Russia sighed. "We have to walk another few miles. Now get up so we can get this over with."

America stretched and opened the car door on his side, and Russia did the same.

Once again this process repeated, with the exception of finding somewhere to rest for the night, and avoiding zombies, until they somehow eventually ended up in Kazakhstan.

At the current moment the two countries were just sleeping, America was curled up on Russia like a cat in the back seat of their current car.

Suddenly both of the countries awoke to talking and tapping coming from the outside of the car. "Wh-" America began questioning, but was interupted by a country opening the car's door.

"Russia? America? Is that you?" The country that spoke had a rectangular head, his flag was mostly blue with golden yellow patterns on one side and in the center was a sun and a birb.

"Kazakh? Is that you?" Russia questioned.

The other countries behind Kazakhstan all sighed in relief. They weren't dead, or zombies.

America sat up, still on Russia. "What the hell is happening?"

Kazakh shrugged. "Us living countries decided to all live here with me I guess- I don't know why but they did so yeah."

Then the countries heard the squeaky voice of the one and only- "こんいち!!!!" Japan crawled into the car and hugged both of the countries.

"Heya- uh- Jap you're killing us here." America chuckled as Japan gasped and started filling their ears with apologies.

"Woah, calm down there, 애정." South Korea picked Japan up and carried her back to where the two where standing before Japan had launched herself onto Russia and America.

Russia and America got out of the car and started talking to the other countries. Apparently all of America's siblings were there, along with all of Russia's, but of course not Uki, Which Canada seemed extremely sad about (I wonder why-).

"So uh, do you guys have like a base or something?" America questioned Japan, who was clingling on to SK (South Korea).

"Of course we do America-San! Why wouldn't we?" Japan cheerily replied, it was as though Japan was oblivious to the fact that they were in the middle of a zombie apocalypse.

961 words

Hsdvsd- once again sorry for not updating- I don't really know what to say other than have a good day/night!

ANyWaY, пока comrades!

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