Christmas Special

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Mk I just wanna make this clear, even though i said it in the last chapter, this doesn't effect the storyline at all but still takes place in the apocalypse AU thing.

America had just returned from collecting more supplies from the nearest store, well and killing zombies. After all, they had a pretty big group of countries to take care of, not to mention that it was snowing a whole hecc-ton. Russia hadn't seemed to be bothered though. Well obviously, I mean, he grew up in this weather soooooo yeah.

Anyway, America was trudging through the thicc snow with a backpack filled with food and medicine, and a bagg with tools and shit.

"HhhHhh I cant feel my Mcfeet-" America complained to himself bc I said so.

Once he arrived to Kazakh's house he yeeted the door open, put the food and tool stuffs away, and then proceeded to curl up in a little ball to warm up.

Russia walked up behind him and le slav squatted next to him. "You okay there buckaroo?"

America paused before responding. "..........No, I feel as though every part of my body is dying, about to freeze off. My every movement more painful than the last. It almost feels as though the icy hands of death himself have taken a hold of my small and fragile figure, freezing it away into the horrible and sad pits of despair and death."

"I'll take that as a no- do you need some warmth?" Russia asked as he kinda chuckled to himself about America's little 'speech' about being extremely cold.

America looked at Russia and nodded, so Russia picked America up and put him on his lap, hugging him. "Are you warmer now?"

America's cheecks flushed. "Y-Yeah, thanks Ruski-"

"AAHHHHHHH! LOOK AT THIS KAWAII COUPLE! EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! I SHIP IT SO MUCH THIS IS MY NEW OTP RIGHT HERE AHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Japan said right after she fucking teleported in front of the other two countries.

"Ow my ебла e a r s-" Russia hissed bc of the pain of Japan existing with her squeaky ass voice.

"Oop, sorry Russia-kun! I didn't mean to scream I just was showing how much I love you two together- and awwwww you guys look soooo kawaii-" Japan stopped herself from continuing her ramble about how cute Russia and America look together. "Sorry みんな I'm rambling too much- talk to you peeps later!"

And then she teleported away, probably over to South Korea or something.

"Well that was certainly something, eh Ruski?" America shifted his position a little.

"Yeah it sure was- I honestly hope she doesn't come back, she's annoying ngl-"

And then Japan appeared again. "So I heard you were talking shit about me-"


"Woah calm down Ame, she's gone now-" Russia reassured the spooped American (Japan hiding in the corner of the room: ha you fucking thought-).

Suddenly Germany walked in (ha you didn't know he was in this story did you? Kill me-) to the room. "Aight ve are having a Chrysler party okay? Okay good I don't give two fickt about vat you want to do bc I'm not hosting it Polen is so bye now ttyl"

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