Chapter 9

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Ok once again with the an before the chapter- I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while- I just kinda died for no reason- and I forgot cause I have a damn pea brain- anyway- the story is more interesting than I am and I just got an idea >:) so cya at the end of the chapter-

America yawned loudly. He was starting to feel tired, and the vodka he chugged earlier gave him a small headache, which only made him want to go to bed more. "Hey, I think imma head to bed now- I'm feeling kinda tired- and I just wanna have energy tomorrow."

Japan looked down with a sad expression. "Mission failed, we'll get 'em next time-" She whispered it to herself. South heard her say it, but was too tired and drunk to care.

"Actually I think it's probably better if all of you guys went to bed-" America looked at the other countries around him. Some of them nodded in agreement to America's statement while others like Russia were passed out. Poland was trying to start a fight with Aussie, which Germany was trying to break up.

Some countries just got up to go to bed when Belarus spoke up. "Guys, be quiet, did you hear that?"

Silence. Nobody said a word. They all listened for noise. Nothing. New Zealand whispered to Canada, "I think she's tryna prank us, buddy-" he was interrupted by an all-so-familiar growling/gurgling noise.

Canada whispered back to his sibling. "I don't think she is- eh?" NZ nodded in response.

Kazakhstan was telling the countries to try and get inside the house without making noise. This was of course was a challenge for some wasted countries.

(Okay this is random but it sounds like there is a shit ton of countries but there isn't really, lemme list the countries that are in Kazakhstan: America, Russia, Germany, Poland, Japan, South Korea, North Korea, Kazakh, Belarus, New Zeland, Australia, Canada, and I don't remember- so please comment if I missed someone that I've mentioned in Kazakh-)

America shook Russia and woke him up. But before Russia could say anything America put his hand to his lips, signaling to be quiet. Russia nodded and they walked into Kazakh's house.

"Alright everyone, if you hear or see one of those....t h i n g s..... Don't shout about it, get me and we will leave." Kazakhstan whisper yelled so the zombies wouldn't hear him.

The silence was almost scary for the countries, until scratching could be heard. A few of the countries walked over to a window, where the sourcse seemed to come from.

Suddenly, the voice of Japan's whisper could be heard. "W-where is North-kun?"

South heard the name of his brother and shuffled over to the window with Japan. He looked out of the window and saw some wandering undead here and there.

South looked at the other countries. "We need to look for him inside, he probably went into a room for some personal space or something-" South's whisper had stuttering, making it more obvious that he was worried. The countries all split apart to look for NK.

No one had seemed to have seen him yet. Kazakh's house wasn't very big either, so where ever North is hiding someone should find him. Right?

Germany, Poland, Russia and Kazakh gave up on trying to find North.

"I bet he just ran away because he doesn't like people. He went to go fend for himself." Poland said to the other three that gave up. They all responded with a nod.

America looked out of the window to see if there was any signs of NK. No luck. But America and South were best friends, and America doesn't give up that easily.

South was running around Kazakh's house with a panicked face. Even if he was drunk, he was still able to think about the well being of his brother.

Japan was running around with South to find North. "Senpai! Calm down! I'm sure he's okay, he always is! He knows how to fight for himself." Japan grabbed South's hoodie sleeve.

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