Chapter 11

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The countries all went over to Kazakh's garage. He had a van for whatever reason and all the cointries and their bags piled in. Canada offered to drive and Kaz let him.

"Oh boy, this is going to be a long ride. I don't know where we're going to go and when exactly we'll get there, but I just have a feeling it won't be any where near here." America said and leaned on Russia's shoulder.

Belarus looked up. "We could go to my country! It would be nice to see my own home again and plus, I have a huge house!" She gleamed with excitement and almost looked like she was going to explode if everyone agreed with her.

"I mean, where else would we go?" Russia said and lookes at the others. They nodded. "Okay then, Belarus we go!"

Canada hears the whole conversation and made sure he was going to go to the right places to get there.

Kiwi smiled at Bela's childish acts of happiness.

But all of the countries knew how far Belarus was. Poland, America and Kazakhstan were already falling asleep. Belarus was slowly but surely doing the same on Kiwi's shoulder.

°~fast forward about a month and all the countries besides America were getting tired of only eating and drinking stuff from gas stations they passed. They were also starting to just not eat it at all, but of course except America who didn't care at all. They would still drink the water, but otherwise they wouldn't consume anything. Anyways they were now in Belarus but not in Minsk where Bel lives~°

Belarus had her face pressed to the window with a happy expression. New Zealand chuckled. "Doesn't that hurt?" He asked and crossed his arms. "Mo" Belarus said into the window.

Kiwi laughed and went back to doing whatever he was doing.

The Belarusian's bright smile faded into a frown when she saw a small group of zombies. She hadn't yet seen any zombies in her country and she was bummed to find out they were here too.

Germany just happened to look up as Belarus frowned. "Zombies?" He questioned. Bel nodded.

Germany sighed. "I knew they would be here. From vhat I analyzed vhen ve vere still at Kazakhstan's, the so called 'zombie virus' spreads through the air as vell as bites and scratches from the zombies. The only reason we haven't been turned into zombies yet is because ve, as countryhumans, have better resistance to things like this." In the middle of his sentence Germany moved his glasses up a little bit.

Bela stared blankly at Germany. "It would have been better if you just told me before I got my hopes up." She turned away from Germany and smashed her face back into the window.

°~timmmeeeee sskkkiiiipppppp~°

As soon as Canada pulled up into Bel's driveway she shot out of the van like a friccen bullet. Kiwi laughed and follwed her right after. Kazakh was the second one to leave and the third and forth was America and Russia. Then Aussie. Then Canada. Germany was the very last to leave the van since Poland got out before him.

Once the last of the countrieshad gotten into the house they saw Belarus spinning around in circles. Kiwi was trying to calm her down and her siblings just laughed because they knew that isn't possible.

Bel suddenly stopped and ran into the kitchen. She opened a drawer and saw- "MY BABIESSSS!!"

She pulled each and every potato out of the drawer and kissed it once (there was about 397 potats).

Kiwi stood there in amazement as the amount of potatos never seemed to end.

All the other countries knew this was normal so they didn't do anything about it and just hung out since Bela hadn't told them where to put they're stuff, where they're gunna sleep, ect.

°~smol time skiippp~°

The countries were all getting into sleeping bags and shit since it was about 10:30 pm (ha ha losers *laughs in I stay up till 5:00 am*) most countries fell asleep except for Canada, who got the couch, and he was just looking out the window and at the stars. "As beatiful as Ukie was......." He whispered almost silently. He turned away from the window and fell asleep soon after.

857 words

Yeah yeah oKaY this chapter is pretty short but it's a filler one plus I'm about to do something for y'alls so yeah-

AnYwAys, пока(for now-) comrades!

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