Chapter 8

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Japan was walking in circles around every country as the group walked to their base thing.

She kept waving her tail excitedly, the group has not found any live countries, and even when they did find other countries, they were either zombies or they were dead, and now they have Russia and America!

"OoOoOoOOoOohh! Do you guys know how this all started?" Japan asked, inching closer to Russia and America.

America, being the dumb country he is, cocked his head to one side. "How what started?"

Japan giggled in response. "Look around you, silly! The zombie apocalypse stuff! Somehow no one in our little group knows how it started." She continued to circle aroumd while they were walking, but this time around Russia and America only.

"OooOhhHhhHh! Yeah we found out. In fact, me and Ruski over here were in the area that started it! I'll tell you the story when we get to the base thingamajig." America responded to Japan smiling. But Japan didn't even here the rest. She was listening to everything America had said until he said 'Ruski' instead of Russia.

Japan started to fangirl inside her own mind. 'Oh boy! I'm going to make a bunch of yaoi of them and then- ooh! Ooh! I'll get them in a bunch of cute situations! AHHHHHHH I should give them a ship name. Hmmmmm- ooh! I got it! Their ship name will be RusAme. Perfect! I can't wai-' Japan was cut from her crazy thoughts as she saw America waving his hand in front of her face, and she realized she was squeezing her tail.

"Oop, sorry America-San! I was uh- thinking about something, yeah! That's it! I was thinking about something." As Japan said this she put her hands on her hips as if she had come up the best lie ever. "Uhm- okay-?" America said, unsure of why Japan was acting weird.

As if he could hear America's thoughts, SK walked over and said, "She usually does that when she comes up with a ship and is making some type of smut in her hea-" he was cut off by Japan, who started to whisper to him. "ShhhHhh shut up Senpai! Your going to ruin my plans!"

SK sighed and looked back at Russia and America. "Nevermind, it was something else."

Russia and America shrugged off the two countries' weird behavior, because Japan was always weird, and they guessed it spread to South Korea when they had started dating.

Once they finally arrived, they all sat down and Belarus made a fire in the firepit Kazakhstan has, New Zealand helping her. Once the two got the fire going, Canada grabbed some un-cooked food and made dinner.

America sat on Russia's lap, only because Japan insisted on taking his place to sit, leaving Ame's only option being Russia's lap.

Russia and America told their story about how the lab exploded and their little journeys leading up to the current time.

After that Japan whispered to South Korea about something and he nodded and got up.

South returned with booze of all sorts.
Sake, beer, vodka, whiskey, scotch, tequila, you name it, he at least had one of everything.

"Woah, where did you get that
Юг Корея?" Russia asked South, who shrugged in response. "Korean magic, I guess."

"Hey 友だち let's play truth or dare!" Japan said excitedly. Everyone agreed except for Canada, who was the only one that didn't eat, and couldn't get over the fact that Ukraine was gone.

The game went on for a while, most dares being to drink some type of alcohol South brought, and truths were always sucky.

"America-San! Truth or dare?" Japan squealed happily, her now being clutched by a drunk South Korea.

"Uh- dare I guess...i haven't even chose dare at all yet-" America replied. And it was true, he was to scared of what would happen if he chose dare, mostly because when his little brother Kiwi (New Zealand) chose dare, he had to play 7 minutes in heaven with Belarus, it took place in a random closet in their base thingy (which was Kazakhstan's house btw).

"HmMmMm... Ame-San I dare you to.......pry the vodka from Russia's hand and drink it. Russia drunkenly lifted his head at the sound of his name, which was on Ame's head.

America sighed and shifted his position so that he was facing Russia, still on his lap. He grabbed the bottle and tugged as the Russian's grip tightened around the bottle. "Hey- what are y- HIC -doing? Stopppppp-"

America tried to losen the big Slav's grip by is usinh both hands to grab Russia's hand and open it slightly, but alas, to no avail.

Ameirca sighed. "Ruski? Can you let goooo- I need to do my dareeee!" He face-planted into the Russian's chest.

"HmM- HIC -MmM.... НЕт." Russia wrapped his arms around America and squeezed him, leading to America making a wheezing noise, signalling he couldn't breath.

"Awwwwe! I so ship ittttttt >w<" Japan squealed to herself.

South decided to squeeze Japan like Russia did to America. Once he squeezed her with his not-very-stronkness. Japan just made an 'oof' sound.

Bacc to le main characters úwù.

America had finally managed to grab Russia's vodka and chugged it. There was only half of the bottle left. Japan quietly giggled to herself. "Hee hee, my plan is starting to work!" (*Michael Jackson intensifies*)

"Alright, uh- South K! Truth or dare?" America asked South.

"Hm....truth." South said kind of tiredly.

America sighed. "Well fudge, I don't have a good truth right now- hmmm lemme think-" America rubbed his chin like he had a beard. "This one is kinda stupid but whatever, what do you do in your free time?"

South shrugged. "I listen to k-pop and draw little drawings of stuff I like."

"Aight, aight." America replied.

981 words

Ok sorry this is kinda just a filler- and also I will make a Christmas special, it still takes place in the apocalypse and stuff, but it has nothing to do with the storyline-
Also, howwwww?!?!?!

Ok sorry this is kinda just a filler- and also I will make a Christmas special, it still takes place in the apocalypse and stuff, but it has nothing to do with the storyline-Also, howwwww?!?!?!

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ANyWaY, good day and пока comrades!

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