Chapter 18

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Everyone was silent. For hours. It made no sense. Why didn't he leave?

America was crying, and Russia was trying to comfort him, but to no avail.

Russia saw the others pulled over on the side of the road with smoke coming out of the hood.

Russia stepped out of the car. "What happened, Kazakh?"
"The engine's overheating, the last person that used this car apparently didn't use any coolant-" Kazakh sighed. "If we don't find coolant we're going to have to abandon this car and most of our supplies." Kazakh said and stood up. Russia sighed. "Well blayd. I guess we're going to have to find some then."

Aussie stepped out of the car. "Ay where's Ame? And you guys did get Germany, right?"

Russia shook his head. "I thought you saw- Germany stayed with Poland... And Ame is sad because we didn't help Germs.." Aussie gained a sad face and looked at the ground. "Three good people in a week.." He sighed and leaned on the car.

"Hey, two or so of use should stay behind, so we don't get raided or something. Rus said and crossed his arms. "Any volunteers?"

"Yeah sure, me and Kaz will stay." Kiwi said and also got out of the car. Kaz looked up. "Hey I had no say in this!" "If something happens to the car, you'll be here. You know more about cars than any of us." Rus said to him.

"Oh yeah, fair point." Kaz said and shrugged.

Russia walked over to the car in which Ame was still in. "Hey Ame, we're going to look for coolant, and you're coming with us. Ame just slightly nodded and sat up. Aussie hopped in the back, and Rus got into the driver's seat. He rolled down the window, and called out to Kaz and Kiwi. "You two be careful, I don't want to lose anyone else-" They both nodded.

Rus started the car and they took off.

After a while, they saw a Russia drove into it and started to slow down on the streets. He was looking around, for something..anything-

But something just didn't feel...right.

Rus stopped the car at an old car parts shop.

He, Aussie, and Ame got out of the car, each with a gun and a meelee weapon, in case there were any undead.

They walked into the shop, and Aussie found some coolant. They left the shop, only to see about 30 people with guns pointed towards them. "DROP YOUR WEAPONS" One of the people screamed.

The three put their guns down and their hands in the air.

"And just what do you think you're doing here?" One of them hissed. "Are you going to hurt our LEADER?" Another added on.

"Guys, guys. Look at them. They're like me." A heavily accented voice spoke up, and all of the people bowed down. "Ahh, Russia. Long time no see, eh?"

"Romania? What are you doing here- and more importantly, why are all these people bowing to you-?" Russia said and looked at all of the people.

"Well I'm they're leader, of course. Because Zs don't attack me, and I treat them so very well." Romania replied with a scary smile.

"What's- a Z?" America questioned. "Oh wait- don't you mean the undead?" America slightly cocked his head.

"Yes, yes, whatever. They're all ugly and want to kill you. There's no difference." The romanian replied and rolled her eyes.

"Soo.. What do you mean by they don't attack ya?" Aussie spoke up, and stepped forward to examine her. He reached out one of his hands to touch her. "Are you even rea-" Romania smacked his hand away. "DON'T TOUCH ME" She hissed at him. Aussie flinched and stepped back.

She cleared her throat. "Anyways, yes. I mean they will just ignore me completely. Like I'm another one of them."

"...Does this have something to do with you saying you were a real vampire in middle school?" Russia questioned and chuckled.

"I AM A REAL VAMPIRE YOU UGLY DRUNKARD" She screamed at him, and her cheeks turned pink from embarrassment.

"Yeah, sure. Whatever you say. Hey, didn't you also have a crush on m-" Russia was cut off by Romania. "NO NO I DIDN'T THAT WAS A LIE!!" She huffed.
"Anyways, do you need proof I'm not a fake?"

The three countries nodded.
"Fine, fine. If I must." She snapped her fingers, and four of the people shot up. "Go fetch me a Z." She said. They ran off somewhere, and Romania looked at what Aussie had.

"Why do you need that? It's useless." She snorted. "It only killed one of people because they drank it."
One of they people sat up. "Actually.. you made him drink it.." Romania snapped around. "Excuse but I don't remember giving you permission to speak." She smiled at her, revealing her teeth. "S-sorry, great leader." The lady got back down to bowing.

"Uhm..Excuse me?" America said and looked at Romania, spotting her teeth. "H-holy hecc-" "What did you see, Ame?" Russia whispered. "S-she isn't lying about the vampire thing.." He whispered back.

"UGH! What's taking those stupid humans so long!" She looked at her wrist as if she had a watch. "Oh, haha, I forgot I lost my watch-" She giggled and then went back to impatiently waiting.

The four people came back with a Z on a leash. Romania walked over to them. "Finally." She turned to the three countries. "Now watch this." She put out one of her fingers, and set it right on the undead's tongue. It didn't bite her at all.

"See! I told you." She said cockily, and pulled her finger out of it's bloody mouth.

Aussie gasped. "No way mate. You had to have rigged it." He said. She giggled. Then why don't you try?"

"No..I dont think I will-" Aussie said and backed up again.

"That's what I thought."

1034 words

and if you were wondering- "Why did Onion use Romania in the story?" Because it's te spooki month 🙄

aNyWaYs- пока comrades! have a good day/night-


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