Chapter 14

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The two countries walked back with Canada's lifeless body being carried in Russia's arms. It was hard for America to keep from bursting into tears. Out of the other three brothers, Ame was always the closest to Canada. They were a year apart, Ame being the elder sibling.

America let out a sigh of relief as the two countries neared Belarus's house. He just wanted to go and bury Nada, let the maple man rest in peace, and join Ukraine. Ame smiled a small amount. 'At least he'll get to see Ukraine again, and he'll get to see Japan, South K, and hell, he'll probably see NK too.'

America opened the door to Bel's potato house. All of the countries got up to see what Russia had, and to make sure the two were okay. Russia revealed what he had in his arms, and Aussie immediately burst into another fit of tears. "I'M SO SORRY N-NADA-" The Australian country hugged the dead red and white nation's body.

The other two siblings comforted Australia and got him to stop hugging Canada. Belarus got a bed sheet and wrapped Canada in it. She took the poor country's body out of the house and into the backyard with the help of Russia. America followed them with a shovel to dig Canada's grave. "Hey Bela?" America looked at Belarus. "Так?" She looked up at America    

"Its alright if we bury Canada in your country, right?" He was worried Bel wouldn't want Canada to be buried in her country for whatever reason. 

"Oh, yeah of course it is, Ame! And I'm sorry about what happened to poor Canada..." Belarus gave America an empathetic smile. America gave an awkward smile back (ya know that weird smile that Americans like myself give to strangers as we pass each other by that every other country judges us for? yeah- that one). 

Belarus snickered. "What?" America tilted his head at Bel. "What even is that face?" She mimicked the expression and giggled. America rolled his eyes. "Out all the weird things about Americans why does everyone always pick our smile that we give to each other?" 

"Oh no there's a bunch of more things that was just the only thing that's currently relevant." Russia said with a completely straight face. Belarus started laughing.

"Wow way to boost my self confidence there Rus." America lifted the shovel so that it was resting on his left shoulder (hehe shoulder is the 420th word-). The countries laughed it off and the mood slowly returned to the sullen mood it was before. 

The countries headed into the woods to find the right spot for the late Canadian country to lay for the rest of time. Once they finally found a spot, Russia laid Canada on the ground and America go to digging, and Belarus sat against a tree and pulled a potato out of her pocket and just kinda stared at it. 

Every once in a while Russia would take the shovel and start digging for America when he got tired. 

A few hours later, the two were almost done and Belarus was still staring at her potato.

Ame finished the grave and Russia pulled him out of the hole. Russia picked up Canada's body and carefully put it in the grave. America started shoveling dirt back into the grave on top of Canada. Once he finished,  he got up and him and russia got big rocks to put on top of the grave. 

It was almost 1 am and it was completely pitch black outside. The two could bearly see their own hand in front of their faces. Once the countries got all the rocks they needed onto the grave, they were about to head back when-

"Uh- Ame?" Russia looked around as if looking for something. "What is it Rus?" The American couldn't see Russia looking around so he didn't have the slightest clue about what Russia was doing. 

"Where's Belarus?" 

"Oh shit-"

°~Belarus's pov~°

I was getting pretty tired and it was getting pretty dark out- so I decided that I would just head home. I know these woods pretty well and I was the one who led my brother and America to the grave spot. Anyways, I looked down at my potato and smiled. 

I had previously drawn Kiwi on the tater. I looked back at the little path ahead of me.

Then I saw him- or it. I turned around and started running as fast as I can in a skirt. 

I can hear it catching up to me- не не не- Я haven't told Ківі yet-


I'm fallin- "ФУК!"  

My leg- it hurts.

 I cant move.

It hurts so much i can bearly feel anything else but pain.


Not okay not okay not okay not okay not okay not okay no no no no no no no.

Please help no no no no no Ukie I'm sorry I'm sorry-

I-I'm sorry....

°~Third pov~°

"Rus did you hear that?" Ame grabbed Russia's hand and blindly headed towards the scream he heard.

"It was Bel-" Russia started running ahead of America and basically dragged the american along. They ran for a bit and came to a hill, and they heard the familiar gross sounds of an undead. 

"No no no no no no BEL!" Russia let go of America's hand and ran down the hill. America followed him down.

"B-bel? Ukie?" Russia watched in horror as 'Ukraine' tore Belarus's right arm off and ate the flesh right off the bone, while Belarus, who was still alive, screamed in agony and pain.

Russia ran up to them and pulled the Belarusian away from Ukraine. 

Ukraine growled and tried to grab Russia. Russia kicked the undead country and started running with Belarus in his arms, America grabbed a rock and threw it at Ukraine's head. 

America ran after Russia and the undead Ukrainian slowly followed in pursuit.

Belarus was crying in pain and Russia ran all the way back to Belarus's house, America still behind him. They ran into the house and close and locked the door. 

Russia immediately went into Bel's bathroom and got everything he could and first wrapped up Bel's shoulder. New Zealand walked in and gasped and started tending to Belarus's leg.

1062 words

Okay this isnt as short as the last-  so yeah idk what to say

uhm пока comrades!


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