Chapter 10

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Russia got up and stretched. He saw America next to him, and he was in Kazakh's room. He yawned and stood up, then walked into the living room. The slav walked over to the window and looked out of it. 'We really need to board these up- the undead things will easily break the windows if they want to. I wish this whole thing was just a dream...... I hate living in constant fear I or someone I'm close to will get killed-'

Russia sighed and walked away from the window and into the kitchen. He knew that he could make coffee, but it would have to be cold since the only way they could heat something is with a fire, and he didn't feel like going putside and starting a fire. Plus, there is still some wandering zombies here and there.

Russia already missed when life was easier and all you had to do to get water was move a handle.

South got up, and drowsily walked into the kitchen. He saw Russia spacing off, so he spoke up. "Do you want coffee?"

Russia's response was a small nod, and he quietly said, "yes please- if you even are making some-"

"Yeah, I am, I'll get the others a cup as well. I don't think anybody here doesn't like coffee." South walked away and into the back yard to make a fire (note- the backyard has a fence around it so the zombies wont be able to get in easily).

South grabbed a lighter from his pocket and continuously kept trying to light it, and he eventually did.

°~Japan's pov~°

I woke up, and I noticed South-senpai wasn't there. I just figure that he is just talking to someone else that's awake.

I got up and stretched, seeing South walk out the back door.

Huh, maybe he isn't talking to anyone right now. I walk over to the door, and I see Russia-kun standing a few feet away from the door, lost in his thoughts probably.

I bet he's thinking about been thinking about Ame-san~

*insert some smutty scene between Rus and Ame that Japan comes up with*

He he he he he he he~

Anyway I'm going to go see what senpai is doing úwù.

I walk out of the door and skip over to Senpai.

"こんにちは South-Senpai! What are you doing?"

He jumps in surprise and turns around to see me, and he smiles. "I'm just gunna make some coffee for everyone!" He said cheerfully, god I love senpai's voice.

"Oh that's lovely! What are you currently doing to make the coffee?" I ask. It didn't seem like he was doing much, so I fugured I'd ask uwu.

"Waiting for the water to boil, Jap. C'mere" He pulled me into his lap so I was sitting on it, and he had his arms wrapped around me, almost as if he were protecting me. But there's nothing that vould hurt me right now anyway! It doesn't matter though, I like senpai's warm embrace.

I turn around slightly and nuzzle my face into this chest. He chuckles and that caused me to giggle. My tail was waving around excitedly for some reason, sometimes I think it has a mind of it's own. Senpai must have noticed because he said, "heh. Your tail says you are pretty excited. What is so exciting right now?"

I shrugged. "Dunno. I think it has a mind of it's own, haha."

°~Time Skip + third pov~°

America sat on the couch doodling everyone in the group of surviving countries. He only was drawing them because he had nothing else to draw.

Russia sat down next to America to see what he was drawing, and yawned. "Is that everyone in the group?" He asked with a hint of tiredness in his voice.

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