Chapter 2

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America had left Russia's house fairly early, he felt kinda hungry and didn't wanna eat all of Russia's food.

He took a taxi to the nearest fast food place, which happened to be a McDonald's.

He got himself a burger and went to a park to eat it.

I know that I have to get closer to Russia in order to form a strong alliance. Though it'll be hard, we both grew up hating each other, so I have to think of something.

America took a big bite of his burger, and continued his thoughts.

Maybe if we just hang out with each other more, we can learn more, become friends? Well to become friends probably will take y e a r s. Whatever, I can try to speed the friendship up a bi-

"Америка!" America snapped out of his thoughts to see the tall Slavic man himself.

"Whoops sorry, I was lost in thought, heh. What's up Rus?" America inhaled the rest of his burger before Russia could even reply to him.

"Wh- how did you do that?" Russia pointed to the wrapper that the burger was in.

America just shrugged. "Freedom magic I guess."

Russia rolled his eyes at the American. "Yeah whatever you say."

"Anyway, why are you here again?" America adjusted the glasses on his face.

"I was just walking in the park when I saw you staring off into space." Russia looked down at America.

"Oh okay. Wanna hang out for a bit then?" America asked Russia, who nodded in reply. "Why not."

"Well waddya wanna do?" America looked around the park. "You know this place better than me."

"Why don't we just hang out here for a bit and talk? I just walked over here anyway." Russia looked at the American boy, who had found a bench to sit on and patted a place next to him.

"What to talk about?" America wondered out loud as Russia sat next to him.

"How about we talk about- Oh I dont know- maybe hobbies or something?"

(This part is kinda boring and im lazy so imma just-)

The two talked for a while about whatever topic came to thier heads. Sometimes a meme America saw, or a new horror movie Russia liked. They conversed for about an hour until it was getting dark, and they were suprisiangly both smiling.

"Imma go get a hotel, Rus, I'm feeling kinda tired." America yawned and stood up.

"And I'm going to head home. Probably see you tomorrow or later." Russia also stood up, already slowly walking home.

America waved and looked up the nearest cheap motels. He found one quickly and paid online, and again getting a taxi.

°~Time Skip~°

America woke up in his motel room when he heard an explosion. He jumped out of bed to see where or what that was coming from. He didn't quite see anything, other than smoke.

America got yet another taxi and headed to Russia's.

Once he arrived, he knocked and almost as soon as he finished the first knock the door opened, revealing a worried Russian.

"What's wrong Rus?"America cocked his head to one side.

"Explosion." Russia pointed to the gradually thickening cloud of smoke, from what's presumably an explosion.

"Oh no, do you know what happened?" Russia shook his head, and glanced at the smoke. "I hope it isn't like Chernobyl."

"Let's hope it isn't, that would be horrible!" America excaimled, and Russia gave a 'no shit Sherlock' face.

America took another look at the smoke and looked back at the taller male. "Should we go over there and check it out?"

Russia shook his head. "Whatever the explosion came from, there's probably already troops over there securing it, and even if they would let me in, they sure as hell won't let you in."

"That's true." America looked at the doorway. "Can I come in?"

Russia looked away from the explosion and back at America. "Oh yeah, sorry Америка." He stepped out of the way so America could walk in.

America walked in and slightly smiled at the Russian. "What do we do now?"

Russia shrugged again. "We could try to look up information about the explosion, but no promises we'll find anything."

"Well we at least have to try." America shifted his position. "Plus I'm pretty curious to know what it's all about anyway."

"Well let's try then."

The two looked at the internet, new files, ect. They didn't find anything yet until Russia stumbled across a folder that held their answers about the explosion.

"AHA! I found something Ame, c'mere!" America walked over to Russia and his laptop.

"The explosion was caused because of an expierement gone wrong, the lab was testing dead animals, and even a few humans, trying to find a way to bring life back to their bodies. They were using extremly toxic chemicals that would easily effect humans, and kill them immediately. The area will be closed off to all exept officials." America said, pausing every once in a while, because for him it was kind of difficult translating Russian.

"Wow good job translating that Ame!" Russia complimented the American's translating s k i l l z.

"Thanks, but, this is definitely a really bad situation- we might die instantly. But you know what else? They were trying dead people back to life. Is it just me, or does it seem like this might be the start of a zombie movie or something-" America had a mask of worry on his face.

"America, I'm sure you're overreacting. Zombies aren't real and never will be." Russia hid his worry, and gave off a chuckle.

"I know Rus, but with the human race, anything is possible. Even zombies."

955 words

Yeeter mcfeeter I hope you enjoyed my hоrrible writing skills- anyway пока!


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