Zombie Info

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Okay so ik this isn't a chapter but I thought it would be nice if I could give you some info about our undead friends- aka the zombies of the story.

So here's some facts to help;

·They all have an extremely good sense of smell, so unless you mask the sent of the living, they will smell you. Also when Aussie SK and Rus hid under the cars, the zombies could smell them but not locate them.

·Their hearing ability is just👌👌👌👌👌👌

·They have a bad sense of direction. If they smell or hear you, they may not see you at first, but if they do, then you're pretty much fucked without a weapon

·Loud noises attract them, along with smoke. They really like smoke for some reason- that's also why they came over to kazakh's when they had their little party, because I do believe they made a fire.

·no cure is known for them yet. Apparently those scientists that made them didn't think their plan would actually work or smth, because they didn't think of an antidote.

·if you're bitten of scratched, you have a whole 24 hrs before you turn into a full zombie. You'll start to seem dead halfway though, but you can still talk. Eventually it'll seem like you had a stroke and bam, newest member to the zom-squad

·once They start runnin they're pretty damn fast for zombies-

None of the countries have figuered this all out quite yet, so if they seem clueless don't @ me-

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