Chapter 3

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Russia shrugged. "Not everything is possible Американский."

America rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. The point is, we can't just sit here and be like 'uh oh stinky there's gasses that could kill people and maybe even bring the zombie apocalypse, and I have no idea what to do!' There's gotta be something we can do!" America looked at Russia hopefully.

Russia sighed and shrugged his shoulders. "I'm sorry Америка, but like I said earlier, they most definitely won't let you in, and they probably already covered it by now anyway."

America walked over to a window where you could veiw the smoke from the explosion, and pointed to the smoke. "Doesn't look very 'covered' to me."

And he was right. Everyone that was at the site was panicking, nothing was going as planned. Something extremely important exploded, and nobody could find out what was destroyed.

There was a bigger problem though. Harmful chemicals are being released into the air, mixed with gasses and other chemicals that were using to try and bring people back.

Speaking of trying to bring people back, none of the tests where working. Exept one.

Oki now bacc to the main characters uwu

Russia was trying hard to hide his worry.

America was using facts to prove his point, and he was starting to believe him. As much as he didn't want to admit it, an apocalypse is a big possibility, and Russia didn't want to risk going to the lab with America, and possibly get killed.

America sighed. "We should try to find out more about this tomorrow. It's getting kinda dark." He once again pointed to the window, showing a rose-gold sky, signaling sunset.

"You're right, I'm not in the mood to argue right now anyways. Off you go then, America." He waved his hand dismissively.

America walked to the door. "See ya later, Rus."

°~Time skip bc comrade author is l a z y~°

The two countries were once again discussing the explosion, when a loud knock was heard from Russia's front door.

Russia hurried to the door and looked through the peephole. (And there was a zombie >:) haha no jk) There was a relatively short man standing there with the most terrified look on his face.

Russia opened the door and the man introduced himself as 'Pavel Ivanov' (btw I just made that up so if you look up that name and find something it has nothing to do with this perpson)

"П-Привет, Россия, я должен сказать тебе кое-что очень важное."('H-Hi Russia, i have to tell you something very important.' Also I used google translate so all my translations will probably be wrong pwq) Pavel looked at Russia with worry writtwn on his face.

"Что?"('what') Russia glanced to America who just continued staring at Pavel.

"Ну видишь, нам нужно, чтобы все в этом районе были немедленно эвакуированы из-за взрыва в лаборатории."('Well, you see, we need everyone in this area to be immediately evacuated due to an explosion in the laboratory.')

Russia nodded. "я знаю"('I know')

America listened to the two conversating about the lab and such. Once Russia was done talkind to Pavel, he walked over to America, and said "Looks like I need to start packing."

Russia started gathering important things and a few photos of what America had guessed were his family.

America just left and headed to the motel so he could pick his things up, only to find it closed and boarded up for whatever reason.

Russia finished packing his valuables, and started to run to the nearest motel, guessing that the one America stayed at would be close. And he was right.

Once Russia saw America standing there in front of the hotel, he grabbed the American's wrist"Америка! We've got to go to the place Pavel instructed us to go!"

America just nodded, he didn't bother to ask where that was, because he knew he'd find out soon enough.

Once the two got to the place(which im too lazy to give a name😎). They passed through a room full of people.

America was getting glares and dirty looks from the Russian people. That figures, since he was America himself, and Russians and Americans don't exactly get along.

The countries went into a separate room that didnt have any humans.

"Well what do we do now Rus?" America looked around the dimly lit room, which had nothing but two mattresses and a power outlet.

Russia shrugged. "We just wait until they call us for food or whatever."

"But that's boooorrrrriiinnnngg-" America paused for a second. "Did you take anything that would help with bordom?"

Russia shook his head. "Нет, only essentials."

The American country dramatically sighed and sat on the mattress that was on the right side of the room.

°~Time skipp uwu~°

The two countries where called down for food, but America had other plans.

(Oh yes time to do a different POV for once)
°~America's PoV~°

I can't stand waiting in this stupid shelter thing- or whatever, it's so boring!

Maybe I should try to get out....yeah- that sounds like a plan!

I get up when people get food, and head to the doors. Luckily for me, the gaurds aren't there for whatever reason, so I just walk right through the doors.

Hey now I won't be as bored. Also if I die because I escaped, it's better than dying in a crowd of people without my freedom. Freedom is everything.

Once I get outside, Imma start running away from here, in case I get caught or something.

I found a tree, which I decided would be a great resting place.

Until I heard footsteps behind me-

°~Bacc to third person owo~°

Russia was in the back of the line, waiting for food, when he spotted America speed-walking past him, towards the exit.

'Oh no you dont Америка.'

Russia left the line and followed the American country to the exit.

He was planning to just grab him and walk back inside, but once he walked out of the door, he saw America sprinting down the road to god knows where.

Russia chased after the American, and he stopped and sat down with his back leaning on a tree.

Russia jogged up behind him, and saw America tense up.

"Америка, its me, Россия!"

1060 words hhhh

Well yee yee I hope you enjoyed I guess- also, пока!


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