Chapter 16

522 20 44

I'll try to make this one as long as I can pwq

America glanced at Aussie angrily. He took a gun out of his hoodie pocket to defend himself and his comrades from the undead.  The Aussie gulped and raised the gun up. Russia and the others took a knife or another weapon that isn't a gun. 

As a few undead started to break through the windows, the small group of countries did the best they could to fight them off. Unfortunately for the undead, the countries had functioning brains and could easily defeat an undead by itself. Fortunately for the undead though, they easily outnumbered the countries. 

But still, the countries eventually killed the mob of undead, and they almost all sighed in relief in sync. 

"So.......what are we gunna do now-?" Kazakh asked. Germany nodded, "He's right, Belarus is dead and I doubt it would exactly be ideal if we stayed here- almost any loud noise and or smoke will make them find us."

"Wait smoke? Really? Shit- that must've been how they found Japan and South all that time ago-" Kiwi said and sighed. "How are we supposed to cook anything?" Russia looked up and asked.

"I s-suppose we could try to filter the smoke, though I d-doubt it would help much-" Poland chimed in.

"Ja, you're right- hey are you alright there Polen?" The German country looked at Poland with a worried face. "Tak tak, I'm fine- don't w-worry about me." Poland smiled at the German to reassure him.

"Okay anyways, where exactly are we going to go?" America said and looked at the other countries awaiting for an answer. "To be completely honest with you Ame, I have no idea- if we could get our hands on a boat or plane I would say maybe going to Canada or the U.S.- but I'm pretty sure none of us know how to pilot a plane and also where would we get a boat or plane in the first place?" Aussie stated. 

"Probs Costco js-" America said. "Costco has fuckin everything- wait" America turned to Russia and Kazakhstan. "Do you guys even have Costcos?"

"What tf is a Costco-" Russia said with a confused face. "Oh yeah I have Costcos" Kazakh said.

America dramatically gasped and said "Imagine like a Walmart but like everything is huge and you have to have a membership to get in- it's beautiful"

"I ok-" Russia said. 

"WHY TF ARE WE TALKING ABOUT COSTCO WE SHOULD GETTING TF OUT OF HERE-" Kiwi said and looked out one of the windows to make sure his screaming hadn't attracted any undead, which it hadn't.

America gasped again. "How dare you we're talking about ways to get out of Eurasia"

"Psh whatever-" Kiwi rolled his eyes.

"Oi Zeal, what gotten into you? You're acting different-" Aussie asked Kiwi as he crossed his arms.

"None of your umanga, stink butt" Kiwi stuck his tongue out at Aussie. (Umanga is business in Maori- at least I think- google translate is not the most trustworthy translation site js-)

"Wow r00d much" Aussie said.

"Okay let's just go back on topic already-" Kazakh said with a slightly annoyed tone.




Poland sighed in relief when he got away from the other countries without anyone even noticing. He slipped into the bathroom and quietly closed the door behind him. "I must just be exaggerating the pain, right? Can't be bad, probably just a scrape from that old bed-"

Poland desperately tried to reassure himself as he slowly lifted his favorite brown turtleneck shirt. He had his eyes closed. 

The Pole hoped he was right.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked in the mirror.

"Oh gówno."




"OKAY IT'S SETTLED THEN WE'RE GOING TO FRANCE" America said loudly but not loud enough to be a scream.

Everyone nodded in agreement. "Ya know I've never been to France." Kazakh said to Russia. "Really? Huh. Well let's just hope no one there is infected, da?" Russia replied and Kazakh nodded.

 "I hope mom and dad are there......alive" Kiwi said to Ame and Aussie. "Me too bro, me too."




"Polen? Polen where did you go?" Germany noticed Poland was missing and started looking around the house for him.

Poland quickly wrapped up his side with gauze and got out of the bathroom. "Oh hi Niemcy! Sorry I was in the bathroom-" "Oh it's okay Polen. Did you hear that we're going to France next?" Germany asked. "No I didn't- thanks for telling me!"

The two countries joined the others in the living room. 

The countries eventually started gathering stuff and Ame and Russia went to the little store again to get more stuff.

Then the countries had to find another two cars, the van they used last time  was done for, and they had to find gas and shit for those cars, plus the cars have to have keys so they can atually use the car.

This whole process ended up taking about three days.

"Well that took longer than it should have-" Ame said while stretching. "Agreed" Russia said and sighed. 

850 words

hhhhhh I said I would make it as long as i could and i tried to make it longer but i have to do shit tomorrow and writers block kinda hit me halfway through- so sorry about that guys 

aNyWaYs have a good rest of your day/ night!


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