2| More To Me

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Siena had stopped paying attention in class. Not that the teacher ever noticed, she was to busy lecturing Kai who was literally snoring. She had been thinking of the auditions, they took place the next day and Siena was trying to figure out if she should do it...or not.

"Hey." Came a soft whisper. Siena blinked and searched for the voice. She knew that it wasn't behind her at least. She was in the very back row.

Finally Siena pin pointed it. Right in front of her. Cole had twisted around, his headphones on his head, one speaker wa pressed to his ear the other hanging out. He was nodding his head to the beat and smiled at her, She felt her heart stop.

"Hey...." He repeated. "Siena, right?"

  She was super surprised he even knew her name. "Jay crashed into you in the hall today." He added in case she didn't remember him.

  She forced herself to nod. "Yeah, I remember."

  "Anyway, do you get what the teacher is saying? I don't."

Siena tilted her head at him. "I wasn't really listening."

Cole laughed. "Yeah, me neither."

  The teacher suddenly slammed her ruler on Cole's desk violently making him jump. "Pay attention Mr. Brookstone!" She snapped. He gulped.

  "Sorry Ma'am." He mumbled, slipping his head phones on his ears as she marched away. Funny how she didn't comment on Siena being part of the distraction.


As soon as Siena got home she went straight to her room. Her mother was a model and was away at one of her gigs. Siena adjusted the microphone then sat down at her piano. Carefully she opened her notebook to reveal her one of her songs.

Siena started by playing a few notes to warm up. Then she cleared her throat and began to play...

"Close your eyes and imagine for a second. A perfect world in our eyes. Where people were kind...

Think back to the moments, where you regret what you said, the apology was fresh in your mind and right in your head.

I stand around unnoticed watching all those flaws. And all you had to do was sheathe your claws.

If there was more to me.
I would really see,
the problems we all face.
The flaws in our race.

If we just held back our words.
If we just chose what to say.
We'd have a different future in every way!

If there was more to me
I'd have the confidence to tell you.
But all I am is a shadow, hidden in the blue!
Hidden. Hidden.
From you.

I seem to fade, I seem lost,
I seem like no one was there,
Do you see me? In a tree if I swung from my hair?

I notice the discussions that go around me.
The rude things that are said, unhappily.
Why can't we take them back?
Why don't you understand?

But if I told you...
It hardly be grande.

If there was more to me.
I would really see,
the problems we all face.
The flaws in our race.

If we just held back our words.
If we just chose what to say.
We'd have a different future in every way!

If there was more to me
I'd have the confidence to tell you.
But all I am is a shadow, hidden in the blue!
Hidden. Hidden.
From you."

Siena opened her mouth for the next verse when her mother came barging in.

"Oh! Siena your home!" She exclaimed. "I didn't realize you were here!"

You never do. Siena thought. She remembered all the times her mother would say stuff that worried her about Siena to her aunt Matilda....when she was sitting right there on there on the couch. She followed her mom to the kitchen and living room.

"Hey mom..." Siena thinks back to the Musically Me showcase and wondered if her mother could offer a boost of confidence. An encouragement or something. "There's this showcase-"

"Now remember, there's leftovers in the fridge that you can easily get to," her mom interrupted, grabbing her purse. "I'm off to another photo shoot, if the number 256-234-7768 calls that's Ninjago City Dragon, the most popular magazine around. I sent in my audition, I do hope they accept." She bit her lip. Shaking her head she rummaged around in a drawer for something.

"Right, so mom, I needed your advice-" Siena tried again but her mother wasn't listening. She was smoothing a deep rose lip stick on her lips.

"And don't forget to put the left over back in the fridge when you're done...what else am I forgetting?" She rubbed her skull with her knuckles.

Then she glanced at Siena. "I'm sorry honey, did you say something?"

Siena opened her mouth to tell her everything. About how everyone ignores her, and how alone she sometimes feels, about her dream and her stage fright, about the showcase... But the only thing that came out was, "Good luck at the shoot."

And then she was gone.

I just wanted to advertise for my good friend Dee_Dee_Mclee! She writes a ton of amazing stories! She's working on one called W. E. P Smoke and Hayse about a warrior school and a fanfiction with Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, and Keeper of the Lost Cities all tied into it!

I apologize that this chapter is slightly shorter then my usual over 1000 words. Next time okay?

I'd also like to say that you should check out my other stories. I have a few fanfictions and another Ninjago Movie romance about Lloyd.

There's another book that's a collab with the all mighty Dee,
The Life of Pablo and Dexter: The Rocket of Death, the next chapter should be coming out soon right Dee?

(It's her turn to write the chapter so I'm hinting she should get a move on.)

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