5| Mountain Melody

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  The list was posted outside the auditorium. There was a huge crowd around it. Siena could tell by the many angry people or sobbing teens that many didn't make it. Mackenzie pushed their way through the crowd. Siena could see Chen and his friends high-fiveing. Siena immediately realized they had been chosen. Great.

Mackenzie suddenly snatched Siena's wrist and shoved her through the last few people to the sheet. "Oh my gosh!" She squealed.

"What?" Siena looked at her. Her friend grabbed her chin and directed it to the sheet of paper sticking clumsily by duck tape to the door. Siena turned to look at it. At the very top of the list on bolted letters was her name. Siena.

She felt numb. She couldn't think or speak. Mackenzie was hugging her and jumping up and down but she hardly noticed it. She didn't even register that someone was talking to her until Mackenzie roughly elbowed her. Siena blinked and saw Cole standing right in front of her.

"That was a pretty solid audition Siena." Cole smiled.

Siena just nodded, speechless. Mackenzie laughed. Zane appeared. "Is your voice box disabled?"

Cole laughed and propped his elbow on his shoulder. "No Zane, she's just surprised." He looked at her out of the corner of his eye.

  "Band practice after school today, you good?" He asked flicking his index finger at her. She nodded again. "Great." He gave her a thumbs up before Kai pulled him through the crowd.


  Siena pushed open the doors to the music room. It was where the practice would be set. She could see Chen and the cheerleaders laughing together and some other kids she knew off to the side. Cole was right in the centre talking with a girl named Quinn. When he heard the door slam he glanced up  and his face split into a grin.

  "Great! Everyone's here!" He raised his palms in the air. Siena gave a nervous smile and stepped in, setting her guitar case down.

  They all gathered around, there was seven people in the band, which was a lot, but the cheerleaders sometimes see,Ed to mend into the same person technically there's five. As Siena moved in a guy smashed into her.

  "Oh sorry." He said. His brow furrowed when he got a good look at her. "Who are you?" Cole cleared his throat.

  "Why don't we all introduce ourselves?" He suggested. "I'm Cole."

  Quinn rumbled up. "I'm Quinn."

  The cheerleaders went next. "Chen, Josie, and Miranda."

Then it was the guy that bumped into Siena. "Paul."

  Siena straightened her glasses. "Uh....my names Siena."

  Paul looked at her. "Are you new?" Siena gave him the stink eye.

  "I've been here since freshman year." She told him stiffly.

  He looked confused. "Maybe I never had you in any of my classes."

  "Freshman year I was your lab partner, Sophomore I was in Math and English, and this year I'm in your study group for history." She said raising an eyebrow.

  "Oh." Cole looked at them.

  "Okay...well, maybe we should start on a name!" He suggested. "Any ideas?"

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