14| Looking After Myself

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The next day was hectic. Siena had to scramble to put the finishing touches on her song before rushing like a chicken who lost its head to the Ninjago Theatre where they were hosting the contest.

"Finally!" She looked to see Chen helping to move a few things. "We were worried you weren't coming."

"No we weren't." Cole spoke. He glanced at her. "We knew you'd come."

There were a series of snorts from the front row where the ninja were. They claimed to be the pretend audience.

"Okay let's get started." Siena hurried into the stage, dragging her guitar case along before pulling it out.

"You remember the chords?" Siena checked as they list ironed themselves. She put the strap over her head.

Cole rolled his eyes. "Of course I do."

"He's been spending every waking minute memorizing it." Nya called from her seat, stealing some trail mix from Kai who protested.

"Are we going to start." Quinn huffed, tapping her drum sticks against her knee.

"Yup, you're cue guys." Siena nodded to the cheerleaders who began softly tapping the tambourines.

"Fading in the shadows. Don't know where I'm going." Siena began softly as she switched to the second chord.

"Too afraid to jump across the bridge."

"I shouldn't need to be asked to do something. I shouldn't need to be welcomed in. I shouldn't need help feeling confident. And that's how this story begins..."

Cole signalled Quinn who broke out the drum beat.

Siena found herself truly breaking out as the chorus rang out. She could feel it in her bones as she smiled and let her vocal chords ring. The next verse started and she began the slower part.

The small thrum filled her ears as she continued...


  Siena waited for her mother to return. She examined her graduation dress, it was nice but....demure. A simple light blush coloured fabric with a shawl. That's it.

  Maybe I can ask my mom for some fashion advice. She thought. Suddenly she got a small thrill of excitement. Her mother loved trying to dress her up, maybe this would be a good bonding experience.

Suddenly the door clicked open, Siena jumped up quickly and ran over.

"Hey mom remember that-"

"Siena! Good you're here!" Mom interrupted, a huge smile on her face. "I have some super exciting news!"

Siena paused. "Oh, what is it?"

"That magazine I was trying to get into, Ninjago Dragon just called me today! I just need to meet with them tomorrow at six thirty to run over a few things-"

"Wait, tomorrow?" Siena stared at her.

Mom laughed. "That's what i said, tomorrow."

Siena felt something in her snap. "Mom, that's the exact time of the Musically Me Concert." Her tone came out harsh, but the hurt was right there. And she wasn't hiding it anymore.

"The what?" Mom looked confused.

"I don't believe you!" The words came out in a yell that Siena didn't even know she had in her. "I've been talking about this for weeks and it still hasn't been drilled into your...self-centred brain!"

"Excuse me?" Mom's eyes darkened. "I don't know where this attitude came from young lady but I don't like it."

"It's the truth." Siena snapped. "I've asked you already just to take a second to listen to me every once and awhile. I don't need you to be here every waking moment but for once in my life I'd like to know what it feels like to have a mother that actually cares for me!"

"I care for you!" Her eyes were watering as she glared at her daughter. "Why do you think I try to encourage you to come out of your shell? Why do you think I work my butt off to try and give you a house?"

"That's all you seem to care about though!" Siena felt tears springing in her eyes to.

"Work! I feel like it's suddenly less about looking after the family and more about you getting the better job!" She hated how her voice was cracking.

"You hardly even noticed that I stayed late after school! You didn't even know that Cole was my friend! You didn't even remember the showcase!" Siena stared deep into her eyes.

"I never asked for anything much from you because I didn't want to be difficult. I always looked out for you to try and be a good daughter." Siena revealed. She turned away. "But maybe it's time I looked after myself."

"Singing is what I love and I'm going to do it. I'm going to stand on that stage even if you're not in the audience. Enjoy your magazine thing mom. I'm proud of you." Siena then grabbed her coat and made for the door.

Her mom jerked out of her daze spun around. "Where are you going?"

"Away from here!" Siena growled. "To someone who really cares about me."

Then she slammed the door shut.


Wow guys, this is really heavy. I realize that this parent issue is also similar to the one Reagan is having in my Lloyd fanfiction. I guess it's a common thing sometimes in families.
Don't get to mad at Siena's mom. She's going after her dreams and still try to balance being a single mom into the mix. It's a hard thing to figure it out and since Siena didn't talk about how it made her felt until she blew up with the bottled emotions it didn't make it any easier.

I have two amazing parents who make sure to give me their time and attention, if you're having this problem in your house where you feel as if you're being neglected the best thing to do is talk to your parents about it before you yell it out like Siena did.

Anyway on a happier note we're nearing the end of the book! Wow!

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