13| Self-Doubt

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Siena scowled as Mackenzie doubled over, howling with laughter.

"She grounded you?" Mackenzie wiped a tear from her eye. Siena rubbed her temples.

"Yes. And she gave Cole a pretty good lecture finished with ordering him to call his father and get him to pick her up." Siena grumbled. "I don't know if he'll ever want to show his face around me again."

Mackenzie tried to look sympathetic but the small, "maybe not in public." She muttered wasn't helpful.

Siena was organizing her things in her locker, trying to find the Musically Me information sheet she claimed that she lost. Suddenly the entrance of the earth ninja himself triggered their attention.

"Looks like you have some competition." Mackenzie commented as they watched the ninja stroll down the hall. There definitely were some batting of eyelashes.

Siena pressed her lips together but didn't say anything. The small insecure part of her looked at all the cooler more popular kids as they gained Cole's attention.

Siena shut her locker and handed Mackenzie the sheet, starting down the hall. "The show is in two days so we have one last rehearsal at the stage where the show is taking place." Siena ignored what was going on around her.

Mackenzie scanned it. "Can I watch?"

Siena shrugged as they passed the ninja. "I'll probably have to remind mom." She sighed. Trying to avoid all eye contact with Cole. "She barely seems to comprehend that I open my mouth."

"My father complains that I open it to much." Mackenzie said dryly.

"I'm not arguing." Siena teased. Mackenzie elbowed her.

"Hey!" She protested. "Don't make fun of me, I have a brand new fedora and I don't need you raining on it." She sniffed, adjusting the plum coloured hat on her brown curls.

"Ooh!" Mackenzie grabbed her arm suddenly. "What are you going wear for the show?"

Siena shrugged her off. "I don't know. We agreed on going formal."

"Really?" Mackenzie squealed. "Hm... You know an off the shoulder sleeve would like amazing on you, maybe you could try contacts again, make those eyes pop!"

Siena rolled her eyes. "I don't know about that." She pushed her frames farther up her nose with her finger. "Last time didn't go so well."

"Okay so you had to wear an eyepatch-big deal!" Mackenzie said.

Siena gaped. "It is a big deal! I don't want to look like a weird pastel clad pirate!"

"Yeah, the salmon and lilac will have to go." Mackenzie sighed.

Siena wrapped her arms around her pale purple collared top. "Why? I like these colours!"

Mackenzie tsked. "They make you fade away, Siena." She chided. "You need to dress more daring."

  Siena eyed the neon orange tank top she had under her black embroidered wrap.

  "I don't know..." She sighed.

  "Think about it." Mackenzie said. "I know! We can go to the mall after school today and go look!"

  Siena tried to protest but Mackenzie was already down the hall. "See ya bestie!"


  Siena was beginning to feel uncomfortable among all the party wear Macenzie had thrown down next to her.

  Mackenzie gasped when she found a beautiful sea foam green sheathe dress.

  "No." Siena said firmly.

  "Fine." Mackenzie huffed, looking wistfully at it. "I might buy it though."

Siena tried on a few nice pale coloured dresses. None of them seemed right. "I can wear my dress from grade eight graduation." She reasoned. She hadn't grown much bigger.

  Mackenzie frowned. Suddenly her eyes fell on something. She pulled out a pantsuit. It was a a bright red like maraschino cherries with one large ruffle across the top.

  "Oh my gosh! This would look amazing on you!" She exclaimed.

  Siena but her lip. It was gorgeous. But she didn't feel ready for that.

  "I'll just wear my grad dress." She suggested standing up. Mackenzie looked deep in thought before she turned away.

  "I'll just lay for the green sheathe one, can you go get us some coffee at the shop?" She asked.

  "Sure." Siena left quickly, slinging her brown leather purse over her shoulder yo the coffee shop in the mall. She waited patiently in line before ordering the pumpkin spice for herself and a mocha for Mackenzie. Along with a lemon cake pop. Mackenzie would kill her if she forgot it.

  She noticed Zoë there and gave her a smile as she waited for her order to be ready. A loud chattering made her glance to where a group sat in a booth.

  She recognized the ninja's. Jay and Kai were arguing while the rest observed them, laughing and chiming in between. Siena smiled and was about to go over when she noticed a group of kids stroll up to them. She knew she should go anyway but...Siena felt anxiety grip her chest. She watched forlornly as a girl went and chatted up Cole. Who smiled.

  Siena wasn't a jealous type who just assumed that he immediately would fall in love with her. She wasn't a crazy person. But what hurt was that she realized that she didn't even have enough confidence to go talk to some nomes teenagers who probably had the same issues, homework, parents, they were just like her. But she didn't have enough self-confidence to go talk to them.

Siena heard her name being called, after grabbing the drinks she left without looking back.


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