BONUS CHAPTER #2: (Ninja) He's In Looovvveee

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"Hey guys, has Cole been acting weird lately?" Jay asked as he watched his friend. They were all having lunch at the bounty. Just a little get together to hang out. Cole was cooking-oh no-but he was whistling as he did it.

  "Yeah," Kai agreed. "What do you think is wrong with him?"

  Nya rolled her eyes. "You guys are so dense, it's obviously Siena."

  Lloyd looked up from where he was repairing Kai's mech for him. Of course it couldn't fit in the bounty but they stuck the arm that was malfunctioning through the window so he could operate on it.

  "Really?" Lloyd glanced over to where Cole was attempting to achieve grilled cheese. He was humming a tune as he tried to flip the sandwhich and ended up getting cheese everywhere.

"Cole, would you like to me to help you with your culinary meal?" Zane suggested politely.

"Sure, dude." Cole shrugged and carried on humming.

"Yeah, he's falling hard." Kai remarked. "He never likes anyone trying to 'perfect the tune that already has a good beat.' As he says."

"So how do we fix him?" Jay asked.

Nya raised an eyebrow. "We aren't going to fix him Jay, he wasn't broken in the first place."

"I dunno..." Kai mumbled but dodged the elbow from his sister.

"Hey Jay, why don't you go talk to him." Lloyd suggested.

"Great idea," Nya agreed. "You go talk."

Jay stared at them. "What?"

"Kai's a bit...egotistical, Zane's to literal, I don't really want to get into relationships and Nya..." Lloyd glanced at her.

"Just wants to watch the comedy happen." Nya finished.

Lloyd gave her a quizzical look but Jay sighed.

"Fine, but I'm not sure it will end well." He shuffled over to Cole, fiddling with the end of his scarf as he went. Zane had all but kicked Cole out of the kitchen and the master of earth was currently listening to some music on his headphones in a chair.

"Hey Cole..." Jay started awkwardly. "How's it hanging."

Cole slid off his headphones. "Good."

"'s Siena?" Jay glanced at the rest of the ninja who were twisted around on the couch and watching. They gave him enthusiastic thumbs up.

Cole blinked. "Okay, I think. I didn't talk to her today remember? I was with you guys?"

"Right...." Jay nodded along. "Um..." He didn't know what to say. He have a panicked look at his friends.

Kai was waving around doing gestures that could mean anything, Lloyd was trying to signal him to carry on, and Nya was just watching with a smirk.

"DoyoulikeSiena?" Jay rushed out quickly.

"What?" Cole stared at him.

Jay just shrunk. He didn't know what to do now.

"He's in looove. He's in looove. Glory be lord above, got to be he's in love." Kai was singing the song from the play The Little Mermaid.

"Really?" Cole gave an unimpressed look at the fire ninja. He shrugged helplessly. "I don't know, okay guys?"

"I think you are." Kai called.

"Agreed." Zane pushed the grilled cheese in front of Jay. "You are showing common signs of a 'love-sick teenager.'"

Cole rolled his eyes. "She's nice okay? And awesome, and a really good singer...and she's so pretty-" he paused at the looks the ninja were giving him.

"Give me a break!" He threw his arms up and stormed out.


Takes place sometime after their first almost kiss probably.

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