7| Writers Block

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   Writers block. The best way to describe it was writers block. Her mind Siena feared the moment when one of the band members asked how it was going so she avoided them at all costs. That mean camping out in the dustiest corner of the library and eating her lunch there.

  Unfortunately Mackenzie was weak and Cole had no problem getting her secret hiding spot out of her.

  Siena had been chewing on her chicken salad when the raven haired buy and suddenly appeared in the seat beside her. Siena screamed and fell out of her chair. The librarian ducked in and mustered a harsh 'SHH' before going to go lecture some boys who were ripping up library books.

  Siena fixed her glasses and slowly peeked at Cole. He looked back. Sighing Siena slumped back into her seat. "So, Thai is where you to hide." Cole murmured breaking the silence and surveying the ancient books.

  "I have better hiding spots, but I figured most of you wouldn't set foot in a library so..." Siena traced the table with her finger.

  Cole feigned offence. "I'm wounded! The library has records in the back corner for us to borrow!"

  "Well then, not somewhere with 'academic purposes'." She took out a mouldy book and blew off the dust, sending the cloud into his face. He began coughing. Siena's shy girl sprang back up and she shrank.

  "Sorry!" She quickly shoved it back in its place.

  Siena avoided his careful gaze as he watched her. His eyes searching. "What are you doing here Siena?" He asked.

  "Uh...eating lunch?" Cole raised an eyebrow but his gaze turned to the lunch box. His eyes widened and he pulled out a small plastic wrapped item.

  "Is this cake?"

Siena nodded. "My mini pineapple upside-down cakes. My grandmas recipe."

"Can I have one?" Before she could even say 'yes' it was already gobbled down and swallowed.

He let out s groan of pleasure as he licked his fingers for crumbs. "That was delicious!"

Siena raised an eyebrow. "So, you like cake, huh?"

He smirked. "Just a little bit."

Siena chuckled and shook her head. Cole nodded to her notepad. "So, is that the reason you have been avoiding me?"

Siena looked away. "I...just can't write anything! I want to but whenever my pen goes to the paper..." She mimed her thoughts fluttering away. Cole thought for a minute.

"Meet me after school, five o'clock." Cole said suddenly, before standing up.

"What? Why?"

"We're going to find some inspiration." Cole said with a smile, rounding the corner. "Oh! And bring cake!"


Siena was studying her grandmas recipe book when her mother stumbled in. "Ugh." She groaned. "Work sucks."

Siena laughed. "That bad?"

"It'll be okay." Siena dipped a spoon in the icing she was mixing and watched it carefully, making sure not to drop it.

"Hey, mom, want to taste my icing?" Siena asked.

Her mom was already on the couch, typing rapidly on her laptop. "Hmm?" She glanced up.

Siena brought it to her mouth. "Tell me how it's tastes."

She took the spoon and licked up the icing. "Mm! This is really good, Siena, when did you learn to cook like this?"

Since you've been away so much. Siena thought with a pain. Recalling all the times she would just bake or cook because she had nothing to do. "I've been practicing." She said instead.

"Thank you honey, what's the icing for anyway?" Her mom searched the room for something.

"Er- a friend." Siena stumbled on her words.

"Mackenzie? How is she anyway?" She looked behind some cushions.

"She's good, but this is another friend." Siena followed her.

Her mother took a pair of reading glasses out from behind a stack of magazines. "Ah! Found them!" She turned towards her room. "Say hi to Mackenzie for me." Siena opened her mouth to says own thing but the door closed with a slam.

A little short, I know, I usually like to make them longer. I'll try and make the next one twice as long okay?


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