4K Bonus Chapter: Don't Be Intimidated

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World's most awesomest girlfriend ever ❤️
Hey, I'm running a little late.
I should be there in ten depending on the traffic.

Sent at 5:35

World's most awesomest girlfriend ever ❤️
Don't be intimidated my mother.

Sent at 5:36

Cake King
k, love you.

Sent at 5:36

Cake King
Lol, I'm not intimidated by your mother.

Sent at 5:36

  That's the great thing about texting. Acting is easy as long as you don't do a detailed description of the odd noises that would actually come from your mouth.

Truth was, Cole was very intimidated by Siena's mother. Heck, he was terrified! The first time he really, truly met her was when he sneaked into Siena's bedroom. Elise Quince then proceeded to freak out and after a heart plummeting lecture she then decided to call his father and lecture him some more.

Of course he had more run-in's with her but they were always awkward and usually Siena was there. And there was the incident where he blew up the apartment building when trying to make Siena a birthday cake.

  Cole looked up from his phone. His fingers didn't stop drumming on his knee as he nervously out away his device. Elise was sitting calmly in her new apartment. Drinking a cup of coffee slowly but there was a small tinge of controlled irritation.

  He coughed awkwardly with a strained laugh. "Um...Siena got caught up. She says she'll try to make it in ten."

  Elise let out a heavy sigh. "Yes, yes, of course...uh..." She looked around. "Do you want to pop out and then come back or-"

  "No! No, I can stay here...we can...um-talk and get to know each other." Cole said as smoothly as he could but it came out even more weird and awkward then he was afraid of.

  Elise raised an eyebrow. It really struck him how similar she looked to her daughter. They both had blonde hair, though Elise's was starting to streak with grey. She had moved on from being a model and was working on her own magazine about the beauty in strong women. Her face was a little narrower and her eyes had more of a green to them.

"What should we 'talk' about then?" Elise placed down her mug with a questioning glance.


  "What are your plans for after high school?" Elise sent him an olive branch, to which he took gratefully.

  "Well, my father always wanted me to be a dancer. But it's not really my calling. It took him awhile to realize though. My heart says music but it's hard to make a living that way, especially when you don't have a resumé as shiny as Siena's is now. I'm thinking of becoming a music teacher." Cole continued to tap his feet to a steady beat as he chattered about his future.

  Elise's face softened. "Music teacher is a nice way to go. Are you thinking grade school or high school?"

  "Grade school, as ironic as this sounds teenagers can suck."

  That earned him a chuckle.

"I always had trouble as a kid. In high school my friendships changed drastically as more and more kids began to value popularity. Siena told me about your friend Lloyd. I never really paid much attention to city gossip so I didn't really know that he was struggling with so much. He's lucky he has friends like you." Cole blinked at the complement.

  A blush of red creeped up his neck and his ears were burning. "Uh, thank you."

  "I also value what you do for the city." Elise continued. "I know I've been a little closed off but it's a normal reaction for a mother when she first meets her daughter's boyfriend when he broke into her house."

  Cole rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry about that."

Cole spotted a picture on the coffee table. In it was the grinning face of who Cole assumed was Siena's father. He had the same large eyes and smile. His hair was more of a strawberry blonde and he had a neatly trimmed beard. In his arms was a young Siena, around five with short blonde hair and a two missing teeth.

  "If it's okay for me to ask....why did you and your husband divorce?" Cole asked tentatively.

  Elise sighed, taking the picture in her hands. "It's all a blur really. We were two different people with two different opinions. Our jobs became busier, we barely saw each other somedays. The beauty of marriage was put on pause along with dates and nice nights alone. It created more strain and stupid little arguments became big fights. Suddenly words were being thrown around because we never were able to communicate. A lot of it was my fault as well..." She kept things vague. Cole didn't mind. This was severely personal. She placed down the picture.

  "Be good to Siena, communicate, solve problems, take time for yourselves. Don't make the same mistakes I did and forget what really matters before its too late." Elise said firmly, her eyes locking with Cole's.

  He nodded as the door swung open.

  "Sorry, I was late!" Siena called, placing her coat on the hanger with a smile. "I hope it wasn't to awkward."

  Elise and Cole exchanged a smile. "Not at all." Elise answered her daughter. "Come on, it's time for dinner."

  Siena wrinkled her nose. "Cole didn't help, right?"

  Cole made an offended noise as they made their way to the dining table.

  "I finished dinner before he came over." Elise assured her as Cole sat down and took his girlfriends hand, squeezing it gently.

  "I love you." Cole murmured.

  Siena smiled, nudging him. "I know."

  She raised an eyebrow. "I also brought a cake."

  "Now I really love you!"

Authors note.

I know I promised a High School reunion short. But quite frankly.....

I forgot.

So please don't expect it any time this week. Sorry. Things are getting busy and I just finished a course so I want some time to relax and wrote what and when I feel. Thank you for your understanding!

When I do get around to writing it I'll let y'all know!

LuckyBugBooks 🐞

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