BONUS CHAPTER: (Elise) A Call With An Old Friend

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   Elise stared at the the door where her daughter had disappeared. At first she felt anger but it soon tampered into the raw realization.

  "Oh my god." She breathed, her hands flying to her head to tear at her scalp. "Oh my god." Tears formed in her eyes as she went over the words that flew from her daughters mouth.

"I never asked for anything much from you because I didn't want to be difficult. I always looked out for you to try and be a good daughter."

"But maybe it's time I looked after myself."

"I'm going to stand on that stage even if you're not in the audience."

Suddenly everything Elise was running away from crashed down on her. The truth was she wasn't anything special at work. She got blown off and scorned everyday. They viewed her as the women who had the divorce. They expected her to go and get a new better husband but that wasn't what Elise wanted to do. She had loved Terry and when their marriage sunk she get like everything in her life was being torn apart.

She had tried to put on a brave face and act through it, burying herself in her work and rising to the success she had earned today. But in that blind drive she had forgotten about her daughter.

Oh my god. I'm a horrible mother. She thought of all the times Siena had tried to talk to her and she simply strode on or interrupted her. All the weekends spent away. All the late nights and early mornings.


Elise ran wildly, grabbing her keys and getting in her car. She floored the gas and searched the sidewalks.

"SIENA!" Elise called. Oh no, oh no, god no.

She looked frantically but the streets remained empty. Where was her daughter?

Elise found herself back in the apartment and sunk into the couch, burying her face in her hands as she let the flood gates open. Siena had always put her own mask on. Letting her needs come after Elise's.

What kind of mother puts her own wants before her daughters needs?

The words kept in swimming in her head. Her hand went to her phone. It should've dialled Simon Mackerel's since that was where she most likely was. Or she went through her call history for Cole Brookstone's father's number since she had made him call home when he appeared in the middle of the night in Siena's room.

But instead her fingers went deep in the catacombs of her contacts.

Terry. Elise gave a small smile. A thin lipped one as she pressed the name. It rang a few times. Most likely her ex-husband staring in shock. When finally it picked up.

"Hello?" That voice. Elise felt her heart tear at his voice.

"H-hi Terry-Terrance...this is Elise." She hated how her voice shook. Her free hand snatched some kleenexes from the box.

"Is everything okay? Are you hurt?" His voice was anxious at the emotion her her tone.

"No, no I'm fine." Elise sighed. "I messed up Terrance, I feel terrible. I ruined my relationship with Siena just like I frick'n ruined ours."

Silence. "You didn't ruin our relationship Ellie." Ellie.

"It was both of us, you know that. Things just didn't work out the way they should've." He continued.

"Now what happened with Siena?" He asked gently.

"She was feeling neglected and I didn't know. I didn't see. I didn't even know she was part of some famous singing show and I should know-oh my god I didn't even know she was singing." Elise was full on sobbing now. It felt ridiculous. Sobbing over the phone with her ex about her daughter. "We had a fight and now she's gone. What if I never find her? What if she gets hurt and it's all my fault! What if she never wants to see me again. Oh my god, I can't breathe, oh god."

Elise was hyperventilating now, her emotions going into overdrive.

"Okay, calm down Elise. You need to breathe." Terrance said calmly. He worked as an engineer to create prosthetics but sometimes he took part in helping people with PTSD and trauma.

"Count to ten with me. One....that's and out....three..." His voice flowed through the speaker and Elise fought back against her ragged breathes and forced her self to take a deep shuddering inhale.


"I'm sorry." Elise croaked. "Why am I doing this, this is so stupid. I'm sorry." She rambled.

"Oh my god I sound so pathetic, I'm calling my ex about some problem I made. " Elise swiped at her eyes.

"You mean the problem you and our daughter made." Terrance reminded her. "If anything is wrong I want to help, okay? Whether it's about you..or about Siena. I want to be there for you guys. And you can't always blame yourself Elise, you need to also let others take the blame too."

Silence. "Remember when you went into labour with Siena?" Terrance said after a moment.

Elise gave a half laugh. "How could I forget? Our parents were fighting and the engine to the car wasn't working again."

"It was chaos." Terrance agreed. "But we did it. In the end I was there sitting beside a beautiful women holding our gorgeous little girl. She was so little and I was worried if I held her I'd break her. Then you told me to just take her already, calling me an offensive name before letting me hold her. Then and there I knew I wanted to be apart of this girl's life."

"I should've reached out to you and Siena more...I'm sorry maybe I was just confused and needed to clear my head." Terrance sighed.

"Yeah..." Elise murmured. "Yeah, me too."

"What I'm getting at is...everything will work out. You are a very strong person Ellie. You just need to make things right."

Another pause. Elise knew what to do now. "Thank you Terry."

"No problem Ellie."



Okay, this one was to get a bigger understanding on who Siena's mother is and what she's going through. Albeit she didn't deal with it perfectly but this way you can sort of see the other side. I didn't remember if I gave her another name so Elise it is!

LuckyBugBooks 🐞

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