10| Friend

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"I feel like we hardly ever see each other outside of school now." Mackenzie said as she sat down with her giant lemon-lime shake.

They were at the new milkshake cafe called-literally-Milkshake Cafe.

Siena tested her Strawberry Symphony shake. She was surprised as the milkshake wasn't the usual syrupy sweetness of most strawberry flavoured things. It had a tarter taste like raspberries as well. White chocolate shavings topped the whipped cream on top.

"Mm." She hummed siping more.

"I know right? This has to be our new tradition." Mackenzie decided. "Every Friday after school let's come here. We can also come here any other day as well because it's so darn good."

Mackenzie took a large swig.

She wiped her mouth before speaking again. "So, have you kissed Cole yet?"

Siena almost spit out all of her milkshake. "What?" She coughed.

"Cole, you know the earth ninja? Broad shoulders, strong and muscled, cool, calm, and collected persona? Super attractive face and that hair-"

"I know who he is!" Siena snapped.

Mackenzie shrugged. "I'm not just going to kiss him randomly!" Siena protested. "That's....weird!"

"I can do it if you want a lesson on how." Mackenzie offered.


"Suit yourself." Mackenzie said with a smirk. "Besides, I'm thinking of asking Zoë on a date."

Siena groaned and thudded her head into the table. It was a cute blue checker board pattern but she couldn't pay attention to it. She adjusted her glasses when she rose.

"You know it won't be long before someone else tries to take him." Mackenzie told her. "You might want to try while you have the chance. Before he loses interest." Siena glared at her over her shake.

"Let's talk about something else." Siena suggested.

  Mackenzie gave a knowing look. "Alright." She sighed. "Like what?"

Siena leaned back and stared at the mural on the wall.

  "Are you liking your shakes?" The young girl serving the milkshakes asked. Her name tag showed her name was Tabitha.

  "Oh yeah," Mackenzie took another big gulp. "These are heaven!"

  "I'm glad you think so." Tabitha laughed. She then left to help a child who managed to spill it all down his front.

Siena was counting out a small tip when the antique bell jingled. She wants laying attention to who it was until Mackenzie said,

  "Cole! Nice to see you!"

  Siena jerked her head up, smashing it into Cole's chin. He yelped and clutched where it had been hit and stumbled backwards, seeing stars.

  Siena's hands flew to her mouth. "Oh god, I am so sorry!" She squeaked.

  The rest if the ninja's were laughing, Kai was laughing the hardest as Siena tried to figure out what to do.

  Mackenzie stood and led him to her seat, conveniently it was now right beside Siena.

  "Just sit down, Siena can buy you a milkshake in apology." She patted him on the shoulder. It would have been nice if it didn't seem mocking but Siena had bigger concerns.

  "What can I get you?" Tabitha asked the large group that squeezed into the booths.

  "We're still looking." Nya told her as Cole rubbed the area that now had a bruise.

  Zane took a napkin and froze it, handing the icy wad yo his friend who gratefully pressed it to the swelling spot.

  "I'm sorry." Siena apologized weakly again.

"It's fine." Cole mumbled, wincing.

Siena tried not to groan as Mackenzie winked at her as she finished off her milkshake.

  "I got a new skateboard." She said suddenly. "Anyone want to see?"

  The ninja's were very enthusiastic and jumped up. "You can order for us right Cole?" Kai asked, mussing his hair as he went.

  "You look after him Siena." Mackenzie called as they went to where Mackenzie left the skateboard.

  "Make sure he doesn't hurt himself." Nya teased as she followed.

  They sat awkwardly for a moment. "So..." Siena mumbled. "Are you going to get the most expensive shake now that I'm paying?"

  Cole laughed. "I don't think so it's a little to sugary for my taste."

  He nodded to a young girl holding a giant glass filled with rock candy and rainbow sprinkles.

  Siena grimaced. "Yeah...that's a little much, you'd get cavities in days."

  Cole examined the menu. "I'll get the Rocky Road Rumble." He said finally as Tabitha approached.

  "And your friends?" She asked.

  Siena watched, impressed, as Cole easily listed off what he knew they would want. She nodded and went off to the kitchen. Her ginger hair swishing behind her.

  "Are you ready for the singing competition?" Cole asked.

  Siena snorted. "No."

  "Why not? It's an amazing song." Cole tilted his head.

  "Um, sure." Siena slurped up more of her drink.

  He shook his head. "When will you ever look at yourself the way I see you?"

  Siena glanced down, avoiding his stare. Her attention on the long trail her straw was making in the whipped cream.

  "I don't know." She said softly. "I guess I'm just used to being...the quiet kid at the back of the classroom. Shy girl with glasses or even the person no one remembers. I'm used to fading in the background of my moms life and I always was a bit of a wall flower. I just....don't like the spot light."

  She sighed. "I got in a small fight with mom. She's gone now so I haven't been able to talk with her. She's always been so busy that she never stops to see how I am. I don't need to be the centre of attention, I just need to be worried about sometimes."

  Cole smiled, setting the ice down. "I worry about you."

  Siena's eyebrows flew up. "I can't tell if that's sweet or weird."

  Cole laughed. "Personally I go for the thoughtful friend kind of worry."

  "Yeah." Siena knew it wasn't really anything. She knew that he was just trying to be nice. She knew this didn't mean anything but the one word. That one word. It dug deep into her heart.


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