6| Cornered

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  Siena sat quietly on the speaker. She tapped her pencil to her chin, wrote something down, then furiously erased it. This carried on for about ten minutes until a loud noise blasted through the speaker she was still on. Siena screamed and almost fell off.

  "Sorry!" Jay cried from where he hid a chord behind his back. They were in the auditorium for practice and the ninja's were 'helping out'. Lloyd sent an apologetic look at her before taking the chord from Jay and plugging it into the tech in the back.

"Try it Nya!" He called. She nodded and pushed up a switch. A loud noise blared through the speaker again. This time Siena toppled off. She sent them a look and crawled around looking for her pencil.

  It rolled across the stage and someone's shoe stopped it. Siena glanced up. It was Cole. He handed it to her before pulling her up by the hands.

  "Maybe don't test the speakers right now." He suggested looking irritated. Siena quickly dropped her hands from his grasp, nervously tucking a stray strand if hair behind her ear.

  Kai chuckled from where he was hanging in behind the curtain and flicked a chocolate chip from his granola bar at him. "You're funny Cole."

  Rolling her eyes, Siena went to go find a more peaceful place to work on a song. The cheerleaders were testing out some tambourines and Quinn was getting her drum kit set up. Cole came over and picked up his own guitar.

"What do you think Siena?" He asked holding it up. "Up to your standards?" It was a sleek dark brown, an electric in a shining black, a few scratches on it from use but it was a really nice instrument.

"Why do you care about how I feel about your guitar?" Siena laughed setting her things down.

Cole's shrugged. "I value your judgement." They held each others gaze a little to long until Siena looked away her cheeks growing hot.

"Aw..." Nya teased as she walked by.

  "Shuddup." Cole muttered.

  "Hey guys, pause your flirting for a moment, let's do some practice!" Paul yelled at them.

  Siena let her hair cover her red face as she found herself a seat. Cole plugged in the chord and began playing around. "Okay Quinn, hit it!"

  Quinn began with a fast beat across her drums. Before going on a nice rhythmic pattern. Siena felt nothing better but then the steady vibrations of music as they drummed into her chest.

  They launched into the chorus and Siena found her cue. Out if the corner of her eye she saw Zane playing around with the controls of the sound as they continued. Cole broke into a guitar solo as Quinn continued with the drums.

  Siena waited for a few moments before going onto the bridge. The music seemed to fill the room and Chen and the cheerleaders weren't actually that bad at singing as long as they didn't improvise.

   But unfortunately they started to improvise. They sound screeched to a painful stop, Chen didn't even noticed it and continued singing. "Lalalaaa-oh you stopped." Chen glanced around.

  "Chen, we talked about this! Stick to the song!" Cole sighed.

  "But the song you chose is boring! No one likes Sound Pop any more!" Chen whined.

  Quinn raised a drum stick. "No offence but the whiny midge is right. I totally prefer something cooler. You should check out one of my favourite bands, Bloody Knuckles."

  Cole pinched his nose. Though Siena didn't find it boring exactly, she also agreed they should try something a little more....lively.

  Siena shifted uneasily. "Maybe it wouldn't hurt to try something new." Cole turned to her and opened his mouth to say something when he blinked.

  "Yes!" He yelled. "Siena you are absolutely right!" Siena blinked.


  Cole snapped his fingers thinking. "What if instead of playing someone else's song we did one of our own! You write songs right?" Siena shrank down, and pressed her notepad to her chest protectively.

  "They're....a working progress." She tried softly.

  Cole didn't seem to notice her reluctance. "It's perfect! It could get us first place or at least a ribbon in originality." He then noticed Siena's ghost white face. Giving her a supporting smile he gave her a look of pure confidence. "Come on, I know you can do it, you in?"

  Siena knew she could say no. But he was cornering her. Her gaze flicked to one expectant face to another. "Okay." She barely got the hushed answer out before the band started cheering. She forced a smile but her mind was whirling. What did she get herself into?

Couldn't find a prefect picture so I just chose this one.
I might change it though!

LuckyBugBooks 🐞

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