11| Plan Failed

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A/N Just starting out by saying I am so happy because I'm number one on the hashtags #masterofearth and #2 in colebrookstone so thank you!!!

  I am ashamed to say I avoided Cole. I needed to sort out my thoughts. Sort out my emotions, sort out...everything!

  I also was avoiding my mom, who in turn avoided me, but it wasn't that hard. She's hardly around anyway. I'm not usually bitter so this was a bit of an odd feeling for me.

  But I dove myself into schoolwork and band practise, perfecting the song, writing parts of each of the band members to play. I tuned everything out, earbuds in, crouching over my work with such absorbed attention everyone assumed I was in a muse.

  I didn't ignore Mackenzie of course but I made sure to steer our conversations from things like Mom, fight, Cole, earth, ninja, and cake.

  Unfortunately there was a small hiccup in my plan.

  Cole refused to be ignored.

  "Siena." He poked me from where I was listening to some harsh rock music as I scribbled furiously in my notepad.

  I glanced up. "What?" I demanded, yanking my ear buds out by the chords.

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight." I had to refrain myself from getting lost in his eyes. I dragged my gaze back to my work.

  "I'm busy...yup-very busy. Busy, busy, busy, busy. Like a bee. A busy bee. Buzz-"

  I've always been a horrible liar.

  Cole laughed and gently tugged my very important work out of my hands. "You've been busy for awhile now." He informed me. "I think you need a break."

  I frowned. Break? With him? No, no, no,no, no! That's goes against my plan!

  "But-I-uh-" he stopped my sputtering my tapping my head with my notepad.

"Let's hang out at your house after school." Cole strategically interrupted my sputtering by inviting himself over. "We can have dinner and watch a movie."

  "But-but..but but-" I frantically tried but he was already out the door, taking my book with him.

  "HEY!" I objected when I realized he had somehow gotten ahold of my earbuds as well.


  I was gnawing on some trail mix when he came. Unfortunately I wasn't ready at all and I scrambled to make my house look presentable. Throwing a hairbrush in the medicine cabinet I struggled to get the hair out of the sink. I rushed around, cleaning the candy wrappers and swiftly throwing my duvet over my unusually unmade bed.

  Another knock sounded.

"Coming!" I called, tripping over my shoes.


  I finally threw the door open, trying not to appear as frazzled as I was. Red faced and sweaty I looked to where Cole smiled at me.

  "Can I come inside?" He asked.

  "Hm? Oh yes." I allowed him in. I began searching him for my notepad by eyeing his pockets.

"What?" He chuckled.

"My stuff, you robbed me of my notepad and my earbuds!" I accused him, jabbing him in the chest. He wore a black v-neck t-shirt and a black varsity jacket. I mean, he looked super attractive but that wouldn't stop me from calling the police!

  "Oh, right!" He laughed it off. "Left them at home, sorry."

  "WHAT?" I screeched as he made his way into my kitchen, I followed him, protecting and barking that he go home and bring me back my stuff this instant mister!

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