Authors Note- (Has Somethng You May Like So Please Read)

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  Well guys I have finished the book. And quite frankly...I'm disappointed in myself. Eighteen chapters? You can do better than that Lucky! I do plan on adding some bonus chapters and some artwork on the characters that you may like!

Thanks for reading this since I know myself sometimes I look over authors notes. Guilty as charged. Anyway, all the characters of Lego Ninjago belong to well....Lego Ninjago and the makers of the Lego Ninjago Movie except for Siena, Mackenzie, and a few more that obviously aren't part of it.

  Thank you to everyone who's been reading this! I'm so happy that most of you have been enjoying it (I hope that it's all if you but I don't want to assume) and thank you for voting and commenting! I love reading your comments and they make me feel so happy!

I also have a.....duh duh duh

Q & A that I will be having in this book, in this next part I will post the part that you can ask all your questions on, though I am highly active on WattPad and will most likely ask all your questions anyways this is a good way to get some of them answered if you didn't want to ask them before! Stay tuned for more Ninjago fun!

LuckyBugBooks 🐞

Other Books By Me

Write Your Soul
Poetry anthology

Blue Cheese
Want to read a cringey love story?

The Dawn Trilogy

This fantastical series follows the journey of Kamel Zaring, a powerful boy with am ear for animals. In Kamel and the Dawn of the Animals, Kamel finds out see rest of his past that reveals his true blood originating from a mythical alternate realm! Kamel finds out that the people of this realm are on the hunt for the magical creatures of the world and embarks on an adventure to save it!

In Kamel and the Sorceresses of Fear Kamel returns to Legendare in hopes of solving peace between creatures and humans, unfortunately a new villain arises and Kamel and his friends take off on an adventure to defeat the legendary Sorceresses!

In Kamel and the Creatures of Chaos news of an escape of the most powerful creatures in the universe comes to earth and Kamel and his friends must fight to stop them before they rip the world at its hinges!

Ninjago Fanfictions

Hi Ninjago fans! I hear you love Ninjago! Well, I have plenty for you!

I have a number of OC romances, short stories , as well as a few AU's!

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