9| The Song

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  Mackenzie let out a loud string of coughing. "You moved away?!!" She shrieks.

  Siena sighs and presses the phone to her ear. "I panicked!" She said defensively. "What was I supposed to do?"

  "Uh, let the freaking earth ninja kiss you?" Mackenzie replied like it was obvious. Siena could almost hear her eye roll.

   "Crreh." Siena crackled through the speaker. "You're-kehhh-breaking up!"

  "Don't you dare fake a bad cell service and hang up!" Mackenzie yelled as Siena jabbed the red button.

   Siena sighed and ran a hand through her hair. She turned and saw her piano. She stood and sat down. Her fingers gently played a soft tune, warming up. Then she struck a chord. Every word had meaning and thought. Every magical note seemed to come from her heart. Siena was up all night, scribbling furiously in her notebook, trying to record everything! And then she had it.


  Siena was so excited to show it to the group. After a quick text they agreed to meet at Cole's house. She slipped on a lilac sweater, aqua blue scarf and some black leggings. She was pulling on her coral trench coat and beret when her mother appeared.

  "Where are you going?" She demanded.

  Siena was surprised. "A friends." She answered. "I just made this really good song and-"

  "Why didn't you ask me if you could go?" Mom said stiffly. Siena did a double take.

  "I thought you were out already, you barely seem to care where I go anyway!" Siena found anger starting to grow inside her.

  "You're going to have to tell your friends you need to cancel." Mom told her, her lips pinched. "You and I are going to go shopping."

  "I can't just cancel last minute!" Siena exclaimed. "This is really important and if you let me know we had plans I wouldn't have organized a meeting!"

  "Meeting?" She frowned. "For what? I thought you didn't have any extracurriculars."

  "For the band! God mom! Don't you ever listen to me!" Siena threw her hands up.

  "I do listen, but I'm just busy paying for the roof over this house!" She snapped.

  Siena glared at her. "Yeah, I know! You're important job, all you need to do is take a second to just ask how my day was and then listen!"

  Her mother didn't seem to have anything to retort. "I will be at my friends if you need me." Siena said curtly. Before running out and slamming the door.


  Siena took the bus to Cole's. After walking down the path from the bus stop she found the  house. It was a nice condo, she could see a couple of bikes tied to the porch.

  Siena knocked on the door. There was a loud scuffling and it flew open to reveal a man. He looked like an older version of Cole, just with a moustache and gelled hair.

  "Hello." Siena gave a shy wave. "I'm Siena."

  He nodded and let her in. "COLE!!!! THAT GIRL IS HERE!"

  They heard a yelp as he came running. "You know, Cole tells me a lot about you." He was saying as his son appeared.

  "Thanks dad." He rolled his eyes, cheeks flushed. "We'll be in my room."

  He smirked and walked away as Cole led Siena to his room. The clean beige walls had pictures of memories. His father and a group of men singing, him as a little boy. Siena giggled at the expression on his face. Cole looked back and went red as he saw what she was looking at and dragged her into his room.

  It had yellow walls and a black carpet. His bed had been hastily made and he had an array of guitars handing in the wall. A drum set was in the corner and Siena found more pictures on the wall. It was Cole and the ninja's.

  She saw Lloyd skateboarding beside Nya, Cole had his head in the picture as he grinned goofily. Kai was wobbling unsteadily on his roller blades and Jay was laughing at him. Zane was the one taking the picture but you could see his hand.

  Another was on what appeared to be Cole's birthday and he was just about to blow out the candles when it exploded. They were all surprised and shrieking, their eyes screwed shut.

  Cole laughed as he looked them over to. "Best friend are the best."

  Siena thought back to all her memories with Mackenzie. "They really are." She agreed.

"So," Cole cleared his throat. "You made the new song?"

Siena gulped. "Yeah."

"Can I hear it?"

Siena tried not to look like she was dreading it as she slipped out the notebook. She realized with a start she had forgotten her guitar in the rush and argument with her mother.

"Can I borrow a guitar?" She asked.

Cole nodded and she walked to the wall. Studying each one. She stopped at an acoustic, it had darker wood then the one she had and the most beautiful designs. Cherry blossoms, she recognized, and doves. Carefully Siena took it and sat down.

  She sat there for a moment. Her usual anxiety settling in.

  "Here." Cole took a small album off his dresser, in it were hundreds of little guitar picks but he took out one, it had the earth ninja on it. He blushed. "I know it sounds arrogant but this is my lucky pick, you can use it to help you now. Mini me has got your back."

  Siena gave him a smile. "That's so sweet." She murmured, taking it. Then she began to play. Each word came from within her, blasting out through the melody. She sang the whole thing....except for one verse.

  There was clapping and she jerked her head up to see the rest of Mountain Melody standing in the door, huge grins of pride and sincerity in their eyes.

  Maybe they could do this.

A\N Happy late Valentine's Day! Also happy family day!



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