17| Voices Are Echoing

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"Hello, hello, hello! And welcome to the Musically Me Competition! And amazing showcase-competition that will show off many different singing groups talents!" Jerry Tolp yelled out into the crowd as people entered. "Let's just let all of our amazing singing groups get settled in before we start!"

"You got this." Mackenzie told Siena as they parted ways. Mackenzie had put on a beautiful green dress with a gradient and a see- through aqua coloured shawl. Her hair was tied up in a bun and she had placed a small top hat on top.

"Thanks Kenzie." Siena took a deep breath. "Bye Zoë." She nodded to the black girl. She smiled and waved before leading Mackenzie away.

Siena took off her jacket before stepping backstage. The lights were faint and she could hear people going through voice exercises and tuning instruments.

She wrapped her arms a pruned herself briefly before shaking her head. Confident. She chided herself before squaring her shoulders and striding to where the rest of Mountain Melody were. Quinn had worn a white shirt with a tiger on it, a leather black vest with gold details over top. Chen and the cheerleaders had bedazzled their cheer uniforms with sequins and gemstones, Paul had changed from his usual sweater vests to a nice dress shirt in a deep green plaid.

And Cole, his usually messy raven hair was now nicely styled more purposely and he had on a nice crisp white top and a sharp looking black jacket. His eyes suddenly rested on Siena and widened noticeably.

"Dang, you look awesome Siena." Quinn told her.

Siena buried the shy part of her and gave her a smile. "Thank you Quinn, you clean up well."

Quinn gave a little smug smile and straightened her vest some more. Finding the cheerleaders a pointed look. Most likely because they had critiqued her outfit.

They all began murmuring ecstatically as Cole approached her.

"I...wow." He gestured with a surprised look.

Siena laughed. "Thanks."

He suddenly became more serious. "Are you okay? Last night you looked upset."

"I had a small fight with my mom." Siena told him casually.

"Oh." Cole blinked. "Is there anything I can help with?"

"No." Siena said firmly. "My issues with my mother is something that I have to deal with, it's about time I did."

Cole smiled. "Good for you."

"Alright everyone! It's time to begin the sing-off! First we will have the choir from the Waton Choir, the Sirens!" Jerry announced from onstage. Siena watched as a long line of people in mermaid costumes, including the men so mermen as well hopped onstage in their tails.

After a nice beginning of Kiss the Girl from the little mermaid Siena admitted they were pretty good. Until someone fell over in his tail. He knocked over the girl currently doing the small solo piece making her crash into the group doing shalala who smashed to the microphones with a scrreeeech.

Siena winced as the crowd gasped and people who were doing the sound rushed to help the singers and rescue their equipment from hybrid fish.

The next group was a band who were all dressed as the ninja. Cole snorted as a rather wide dude with a huge beard and dreadlocks marched on stage in the home made black gi.

The guitar solo started as they erupted in a, "GO!"

"Time for training and we're getting a started, it's on you know!" The one trying to be the fire ninja sang.

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