12| Lets All Bash His Head In

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  Siena walked hesitantly to her mother's bedroom. She wasn't sure how to deal with this since technically she had been trying to give her mother the silent treatment.

  But guilt gnawed at her making her twist the knob.

  "Mom?" She called, stepped inside. "Are you okay?"

Her mother spun around from where she was dabbing her eyes. Her mascara was running and she looked like a mess.

"I'm fine." She sniffed. 

  "Are you sure?" Siena sat down beside her.

Her mom turned away, trying to hide the fact she had been crying, wiping her eyes furiously. "I'm great." Then she glanced at her, her eyes losing their vulnerable look and replaced with something else.

"Who was that boy here?" Mom narrowed her eyes as she rearranged some things on her vanity.

  "Cole." Siena answered.

  "Who?" She squinted. "I don't remember you ever meeting a Cole."

  "Cole Brookstone?" Siena sighed. "Remember I joined his band?"

Mom hummed as she took out her phone and began furiously typing something. "Sorry honey, I have to get an early start at work tomorrow so I think I should get to bed." She sighed. "If only that magazine would call already!"

  "But..." Siena tried but her mother was already calling someone, rushing to get herself a tea before bed.

  Siena sighed before going back to her room. She considered putting on her pyjamas but the sound of sirens made her walk over to the window and yank it open. There were flashes of what she assumed were the ninja's elemental powers in the distance and she could see large shapes of the mechs Lloyd rebuilt.

After about an hour the commotion died down and Siena sat in her bed, contemplating wether she should phone Cole or not. Suddenly she became aware of a tapping. She turned her head to where a dark shape stood before her window, he moved to open it.

She screamed and leaped back, grabbing the closest object- which happened to be her alarm clock and slammed the weapon into the figures head. There was a loud yell as the person went down, falling into her room.

With another yell she dropped the clock on his head and scurried to her phone, ready to call 9-1-1.

"NO! Siena! It's me!" She froze, finger poised on the green call button when a familiar voice entered her brain.

"Cole?" Siena gaped at where the earth ninja, decked out in his gi on her bedroom floor. He yanked off his mask revealing some missed raven hair, twinkling brown eyes, sideways smile, and....a heavily bleeding nose.

"Oh my god!" Siena dropped her phone, hands flying to her mouth. "Oh my god!" She repeated. She ran to the kitchen and snatched some paper towels and a water cup. She dashed to where Cole was probing his nose with a finger and began dipping the towel in the water.

"I just broke the earth ninja's nose." She realizes plaintively.

"Trying to ruin my roguishly handsome face I see." Cole teased as he took the paper towel from her and pressed it to the bleeding part of his face.

Siena rolled her eyes, trying to calm her drumming heart.

"Why were you sneaking around at my window anyway?" She asked.

"Sneaking?" Cole sat up, sighing with relief when the blessings tarted tampering off. "I was just coming to say hello and you attacked me!"

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