Chapter 4

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After Shinichi calmed down, they drank the rest and now he was back to how he was. Still, he glanced at him from time to time, after all, there was still a chance that he wasn't that well. It was still worrisome knowing what happened to Hakuba. A sigh escaped as he was now sure that they had made a grave mistake. Now he was sure that he would begin to make his move, but what will he do? For now, he would watch him closely after all he didn't want anything happening to his best friend.

With Shinichi, he felt better after crying, at the same time it made him feel embarrassed about it. Not that he would show it, of course. It would make things awkward, or at least that was what he was feeling right now. It was a surprise to him that he cried in front of Heiji.

So far, he tried to avoid crying in front of others. He just didn't want that people would treat him differently. The pair of eyes he felt was something that he should have expected, and he guessed that his best friend now was worried about him. Great, not something that he wanted.

His composture shattered for just a moment as he began to blush. This was way too embarrassing, and why was he feeling embarrassed? It wasn't making sense to him, and yet here he was a flustered mess. That wasn't all he was utterly exhausted, that must be it. That must be the reason he was feeling flustered. Yet he wouldn't go to sleep as there were things he needed to take care of.

"Shinichi, go rest. I can watch after the two, and I don't want you to pass out."

Hattori wouldn't let Shinichi stay awake any longer. The male was awake the whole night. The other wanted to argue with him, but seeing that the latter gave him a stern look made him swallow.


He watched Shinichi go to another guest room. Seeing him walk in and closing the door made him breath out. The worry stayed, for both Shinichi and Hakuba. He wasn't liking the latter that much, but right now he put aside. As entering he saw Kaito doing some magic tricks, and the shrunken male cheered.


Was all he could think as he observed the other male closely. He looked suddenly, and concerned but wasn't showing it on his expression. His eyes, on the other hand, were a different story as it was the reason he could tell the emotion of Kuroba. Which felt weird, usually his poker face was better.

"Oh, hey, Hattori."

He paused as he saw the other shrunken male look at him with a curiousness.

"Oh you are back, but where is the other mister?"

That making him give a small smile. The shrunken male was adorable like this and the concern was making him want to hug the other and protect him from any harm.

"Shinichi went to sleep. He was tired, how are you Kuroba?"

The other male gave him a sigh as an answer and looking down at the cards. That was enough for him to know that the other was not alright.

"Don't worry Kai-chan. I will try my best to remember you."

The other froze as he looked at the shrunken male in surprise. Hattori smiled softly now. It seemed that it won't change anything, as the brit was trying his best to make Kuroba feel better.

"Thank you, that means a lot to me."

Hearing the soft tone as he thanked Hakuba was strange. The other was usually a bundle of sunshine and mischief. That indicated how much he was affected by the amnesia by the shrunken brit.

"No problem."

There was a silence and soon the smaller slipped out of the bed and glomped the other. It was making Hattori squeal on the inside. Who would have guessed that a stuck up person like Hakuba was that adorable? He smirked as he took his phone out and making a photo without the other realizing it.

//I will send that to Shinichi. He needs to see this//

He thought with glee and he couldn't wait to tease the latter when he had his memories back. But at the thought about the memory loss made his mood go sour again. He leaned at the wall and watching the interaction. His phone was back in his pockets and he was thinking about a plan.


That brought him out of his thoughts as he felt his legs getting glomped from the kid.

"Ye' what do ya need?"

The other hugged more which made him more confused. So he lifted to other up and having him in his arms.

"You seemed sad, and I don't like seeing you sad."

That was making splutter in surprise. He opened his mouth and closed it again unsure what to say. The boy looked innocently up to him and it made him realize that right Hakuba was a kid. A genuine innocent kid.

This made it worse for him, knowing that the other was probably raped. Or maybe they managed to stop it before they did their deed. It made his stomach churn and sick.

"You-I am sorry. I didn't mean ta upset ya."

The other frowns but soon gave him a grin as he probably realized that the others saw that he was feeling better.

"It's fine, as long as you feel better. So was I really an adult? Like I know Shin-niichan explained it to me, but it seemed so unreal."

He let go of the hug and looked up the confusion. He should have known that the other would have explained this to Hakuba.

"Ya, it is da truth. It was a poison which made ya like this. I am not sure how ya ended up like this."

The other gave him a nod and walked up to Kaito. The other was silent and looking down. The blond glomped the other in a tight hug.

"Are you alright Kaito-niichan?"

The voice laced with pure concern and innocent. It felt strange hearing this coming from the other. Tho it made sense after all he was shrunk and forgot his memory. At least they didn't need to worry for the other to act like a kid...

I finally managed to continue to write about this story. And dang is Hakuba adorable. I was writing on the other fanfic, to be sure that I have enough chapter. I hope you enjoyed reading and I will see you all in the next chapter, ja ne.~

Hakuba Saguru shrunk into a kid?! (Suguru x kaito)Where stories live. Discover now