Chapter 6

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A few hours later around 13:00, Shinichi woke up and was feeling refreshed. As he entered the living room he paused and looked perplexed. Kaito awake doing some magic tricks, which the shrunken brit cheered on. He noted as well how Hattori was treating Hakuba like a kid when talking to him. It was strange to him after all the other was not really a kid so why was the brit treated by Hattori like this? Kaito was a bit more subtle about it, yet he talked softly towards the other.

"Ah, hello Shinichi-niisan."

That was making him blink as the other talked in a childlike manner, as well innocently looking up to him. This was making him frown more, but he pushed it aside waiting for either of the two would explaining to him why the other was like this. His mind was half awake and he really needed a coffee to get his mind work, not just one but more than one.

"Ah yer finally awake Shinichi. How ar' ya feeling?"

Kaito stopped doing his tricks and gave him a mock salute and a hello as well.

"Well still not really awake, can I have a talk with you Heiji?"

Standing up and walking with Shinichi to the kitchen again. There was silence as both didn't talk until he finally said something.

"Why are you two treating him like a kid? I hope you do realize that he is an adult."

Hattori was silent for a moment until he let out a sigh and going through his hair.

"That might be what he is, but right now he is a kid. Did ya know that he didn't know what bees and birds were? Kaito had ta actually try to explain it ta him. Ye saw the innocent in his eyes didn't ya?"

That was making him, gape and in the end, he snorted. God, now he wished he could see Kid explain this to the shrunken Hakuba. Just imagine it made him have a giggle, (Oi, I don't giggle. I chuckle!) but soon the realization hit him. The brit wasn't remembering anything at all. 

(Author: It finally hit you didn't it? Jeeze you call yourself a detective? 
Shinichi: Shut it, I am half awake. My brain can't work without coffee. Let's continue with this story.
Author-chan: Of course, don't want to embarrass you more, hehe. ^~^)

That was making him more alarmed. He was sure that they needed to get him checked out in a hospital when he was back in his adult form.

"Damn, I guess it was worst then I feared. Let's get him to Beika, and then we need to figure out how we can protect him. I am not that sure that it is a good idea for him to turn back, now that they are active again..."

The other walked up to the coffee machine and making himself a cup of it. As soon as it was filled he took a sip, and then another one. 

"Ya, but we need ta get him checked out in ta hospital. How are we goin' ta do that?"

He hummed as he took another sip and let out a sigh. Maybe they could fake something, but that was nearly impossible with Hakuba. The other was the son of the Superintendent General. The disappearance would be a bit more impossible. Soon his cup of coffee had been empty. He absent-mindedly refilled another cup of coffee. Taking than another sip and trying to get his gears in his head working. Maybe he could try and ask General to be quiet of that matter, but then again it could end badly. 

"I don't know. He can't walk around or they will know. I am not really sure what to do now..."

His voice was soft as he was feeling helpless again. The British detective needed to stay hidden or Saguru could get himself killed. He was going through his hair as he grimaced. Two pairs of footsteps approached as Kaito's eyes had a gleam in them, which he knew too well. The other was brewing something up, which usually wasn't good.

"How about I give a phone call that I, 'Hakuba' is in a pinch and had to hide and can't talk about the details, as it would get 'me' killed."

Shinichi shook his head, that wouldn't work with the General. It would make everything worse and he was pretty sure that the other would probably realize that this wasn't Hakuba talking to him.

"Let's get him checked out as a kid then and telling them that he had an accident, but does remember. You disguise him, and I will make some kind of made-up story. We can't let them know that he is alive."

Kaito let out a sigh and gave a nod, it was a better plan then calling the General. Before anyone realized what was happening, the hair of the shrunken person turned into a brown. The eye color stayed, and he wore glasses, similar to the once Conan had worn. All in all, Saguru wasn't looking like Hakuba anymore.

"There, now let's go."

Another few hours later, and they were at the hospital in Beika. The nurses fussed over the boy and hadn't realized that this was Suguru Hakuba. They made up a story about him having an accident and that he doesn't remember anything at all. He told them that he was a cousin named Yoichi from the fatherly side, and he doesn't have at the moment any documents on him. They believed him of course. Why shouldn't they, he was after all Kudo Shinichi. 

After they checked him out, they told him that the boy had amnesia and it can be that he would never remember. Other than that the boy was healthy and with rest, he should get better. They could try to bring him to places where he is familiar with, maybe it will make him remember. 

And so they were now walking to Shinichi's house, with him holding hands with Kaito. The shrunken male seemed most at ease with the magician. At least they knew he will be fine with rest, but then what? One thing was sure that he needed to get antidote and Hakuba should stay hidden, or maybe he should just stay in his child's body? 

"Ne, ne Shinichi-nii-chan? What will we do with school? Like don't I have to go to school?"

The other froze on the spot and was unsure what to answer, maybe he could stay in that disguise and go to school. For now, it was the best that the other would stay as a child and the antidote wouldn't disappear.

"I don't think that this is a good idea Yoichi. You need rest and afterward, we will think about it."

Maybe he could befriend the detective boys? With that, he stayed silent, as he knew that the other should for now stay as Yoichi Kudo. It would be better than in his adult form where he could get in danger.


Hehe, seems like the other will stay as a kid for now.~ He is so adorable. I hope that you all enjoyed the chapter. Have a fantastic day. Until next chapter ja ne.~

Hakuba Saguru shrunk into a kid?! (Suguru x kaito)Where stories live. Discover now