Chapter 11

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Soon three people walked into the room, one was his father, the other one was Nakamori keibu and then there was someone else he has met once or twice, Megure keibu.

"You! Why are you here and not in school!"

Nakamori yelled and he jumped up body beginning to shake as he hugged the other tightly. Kaito let out a sigh, and hugging the other back and talking in a calm manner, there was no cheerful tone in it.

"Sorry Nakamori-san, but could you not yell. I don't appreciate that you yell at my boyfriend. I am here because he needs me and I was the one who got called by Shinichi any more questions?"

His voice was on edge and Saguru would have usually blushed at the comment of him calling boyfriend, but right now he was occupied in calming himself down. At least with his smell and the hug, it helped him to calm down. The hug was left, but the arm was still around him and he leaned into the touch, listening not saying anything.

"Kuroba-kun I guessed that you are here. It seems that you two really got together at the end. Kudo-san and Kuroba-kun you have my thanks."

Megure was the next one to talk and he had a soft expression as he looked at Saguru.

"Shinichi-kun, do you think you can tell us what you know?"

The mentioned male gave a nod and glanced at Hakuba for a moment and then talking. Nakamori was silent and leaning at the wall not saying anything afterward he scolded the latter for being loud.

"Sure, I can't go into detail as it has to do with my disappearance. One thing I can tell you, it is big enough to endanger the other. That is why I called you here. Tomorrow everything will end, oh and Kid is involved in it as well."

He paused a moment as he grits his teeth and he looked furious.

"They pulled Saguru into this and I can't forgive them for doing this. They have done something, which right now I can't tell, but be assured I will stop them. Kaito kid has to do with this as they are after something and he will get free charges after this. I have enough evidence that won't get him into trouble. He is a good person and they have driven him to do this."

The room was tense as they heard Shinichi say these things. Nakamori was frowning and began to talk first.

"So that I understood that right. Kaito kid steals because of something that has to do with your case?"

Shinichi turned his attention towards the asked Inspektor.

"Yes, and we both know that he wouldn't do that for thrills. Everything will end tomorrow and I want to ask you three to give Hakuba protection. Kaito won't be here as he has something to do, Kid asked him for help. I am not here to protect him."

All three Inspector were for a moment silent until they gave each other a nod.

"Of course we would help. You helped the police more than often and we own you a lot. But I need to know how dangerous the danger is."

Shinichi relaxed as well Kaito and both gave each other a look and then he began to talk again.

"These people have snipers. I know for the fact that this sniper at Kaito's heist belongs to them. Nakamori keibu, you know how dangerous that guy is."

The other expression changed and he realized something and gave a nod.

"Yeah, I have seen Kid getting shot at. He never really done something too bad. Yes, he stole, but he always brought it back and he protected others from getting into harm's way."

With this, the Inspector promised to get some police officer to Hakuba and promised them that they do it undercover. With this they have gone back home, other then Hakuba as the other was silent the whole time not saying anything. The male walked up and kneeled down so he was at the same height.


The mentioned male looked up and giving the other a nod, his mouth opened and he wanted to say 'hello father', but nothing came out. What he didn't expect was when he was pulled into the hug of his father. He tensed up for a moment but soon hugged back. Before he realized it, tears began to form and he began to sob into his chest.

"You have gone through a lot didn't you Saguru?"

The tone was soft and there was a concern into it. His father wasn't often home, but they had a good relationship. After the death of his mother, their relationship grew stronger. Seeing his father come for him was making him feel better. It took a few moments a the hug was left, giving the other a small smile. He was lifted up and putting back on the couch, by his father.

"I guessed that you two would soon be together. Whenever you came home, you always complained about how Kuroba-kun pranked you. Not to mention all you talk is Kuroba. I don't mind it and he seems to genuinely care about you. As long as you are happy, I don't mind with who you go out."

This was making his eyes go wide and a blush spread on his cheeks. He could feel his cheeks burn. His father was laughing at this and turned his attention now to Kaito.

"Thanks for being his friends and thanks for taking care of my son."

Hakuba was bowing and Suguru was more surprised at this. Kaito grinned now and began to talk.

"Of course, I would take care of him. I can assure you I will protect him with my life when I have to."

He straightens himself as he gave an approving nod and then his expression was serious.

"Good luck to you Kudo-san and Kuroba-kun. Whatever you plan, don't die. My son will need you two."

With this he left as well, saying goodbye as he was now left alone with the two again. Both Kaito and Shinichi the same serious expression.

"Let's eat something and then head to bed. Tomorrow we need to be well-rested."

Soon they had food on their table. Kaito had cooked as Shinichi couldn't cook, as it usually burned. They had eaten their food, and it was decided, from Kaito that he would sleep with Saguru as he was worried to leave him alone. He didn't mind it after all he needed this right now. As Kaito helped him upstairs and they said their goodnights. As they entered Saguru kissed him on his lips. The other was surprised, but soon melted as they separated he looked at him with a small smile. No words needed to say between the two as the other could tell what he wanted to say.

'Thank you for being there for me. And thank you for taking care of me.'

With this both walked up to the bed, of course, they had changed separately into their sleepwear and as well brushed their teeth. Oh, and his father brought some clothes for him, which he was grateful. Now both slipped under the blanket and he was pulled into a hug from the person he loved so much. With this, he slowly drifted off and hearing a soft-spoken...

"Good night."
This was a bit more tricky to write, and I hope you enjoyed it. The next chapter will be a bit more difficult as I never wrote anything like this. Hope that I will do a good job. I hope you have a fantastic day. Until next chapter, ja ne.~

Hakuba Saguru shrunk into a kid?! (Suguru x kaito)Where stories live. Discover now