Chapter 10

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Kaito and Shinichi were silent both right next to each other leaning on the wall and listening to Haibara talking to him. She finished telling him the risk.

"I told you the risk now, are you really sure you want to take it?"

Saguru was pressing his lips together, and waging the pro's and con's of it and decided to take it. He knew that the latter detective had been Conan and at first he didn't believe it, but he had to. After all, he was shrunken as well now, so he had no chance not believing this. It was unbelievable, but he had to believe it or how else was he in a kids body. The bridge of his nose was pinched as he let out a silen sigh. Saguru began to scribble down something and showing it to the female.

I am sure about this. I need to get my body back and I don't want my father to worry any longer about me.

The female gave a sigh as saying...

"Then follow me. We need to get to my lab. Oh, and we need clothes for him."

Kudo-kun let out a sigh and asked what my clothes number was. I wrote it down and he has gone through his hair. 

"My Dad's clothes should do. Afterward, I will call your father telling him that I found you."

With this Shiho, Kaito and Saguru walked out and right next door. Hakase was out with the Detective boys so that they didn't need to worry about the kids. The Professor knew about the shrunken Saguru. They walked into the house and then downstairs to her lab. No sound could get out there as it was silent proof. (I think it is called like that, but you know what I mean XD)  

The door was closed after the three entered and he looked around. The female walked now to a table and took out something. She turned around, her eyes showed worry, but her expression was neutral.

"You need to take off your clothes and then lay on the table. (The table is one which is usually used for operation and there are some straps on it) Here take these two with some water."

Walking to the table, glancing at both, waiting for them to turn around. Both realized it and turned around. As soon as they did he took off his clothes, feeling shy as his boyfriend would see him naked. This was the first time he was naked in front of the other. They haven't done it, as both decided to take it slowly. Pushing himself up and laying down, as he put a blanket on him. Both turned around after 5 minutes. Shiho strapped him on both ankles and wrists so that he wouldn't move too much.

But first, he took the tables and swallowed it with some water. Then he was strapped down on the table. He was never good with pain and was as a kid more sensitive to it. At first, no pain came, but soon enough he felt his whole body burn. It was a pain he never felt, a scream escaped out of his mouth, but it was silent and sounded more like a loud whimper. 

His body felt like melting and he was struggling against the bounds, but he couldn't get free. The pain continues as tears rolled down, and more whimpers escaped. They got louder now and after the whimper, a loud scream escaped out of his mouth. It sounded like he was killed, with this he passed out. The pain was too much to take for Saguru.

Thirty minutes later...|ョ0ω0*)ノ゙

Blue eyes slowly opened. The pain was now just a painful memory. He felt weak and exhausted. His eyes looked around and he saw Kaito right next to him, a relieved expression showed. He opened his mouth, but like before nothing came out. 

'Still no sound, huh?'

He thought and let out a silent sigh. Slowly sitting up and realizing that he was naked. His boyfriend looked away and putting his clothes on his lap and turning around. Changing was interesting to say. His body was weakened and he took longer then he was used to. Saguru wasn't really that surprised. He tipped on the shoulder of Kaito. The other turned around and giving him a soft smile.

"Glad to see my boyfriend back to his old body. Are you all alright? And it seems that you still can't talk, just nod that I know that you at least are alright."

Saguru gave a small nod toward the other and standing up, but with legs shaking like a new brown foals. He mused a bit, as he felt an arm around his hip. He guessed that the other was helping him walk. He was thankful for that, but he was worried that he could never talk.

"I gotcha, don't worry Sagu-chan. Oh and Shin-chan is calling your father right now, they will be there at his house. In thirty minutes."

As they walked out, with him tripping on air and Kaito chuckling. The other probably found it amusing that his favorite critic was tripping on anything. Not his fault that he was weakened. He huffed out at the amusement of the latter and shook his head.

"Seems, like it was a success. You will be fine after some rest."

Saguru mouthed to the other thank you and the female seemed to understand him and giving him a soft smile and a hum as an answer. With this, they walked out of the room, with Kaito saying his goodbye for both. Shinichi walked out soon and helped as well. It took them 5 minutes to get back inside and another 3 minutes to get to the living room. As they were there, all three sat down, with him leaning on Kaito and the other having an arm around him.

"Alright, so I told your father that you are here with me and I found you. I have told him that I can't get into details because it has to do with my disappearance."

With this, there was some silence until Kaito who began to talk to Shinichi about a plan. It was talked in a hushed tone and he couldn't really get it, but that was because he was too exhausted. He dozed off afterward and woke up when hearing the doorbell ring. He jumped up as his heartbeat thundering in his chest, like he just had ran a marathon. His body shook. That was until he felt a kiss on his temples and some reassuring words from his boyfriend. His body relaxed as well as his heartbeat. Soon a few footsteps made their way over to the living room...


I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I enjoyed writing it. I hope you have a fantastic day. Until next chapter ja ne.~

Hakuba Saguru shrunk into a kid?! (Suguru x kaito)Where stories live. Discover now