Chapter 14

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The two hadn't said anything and Kaito was silent as well. On occasion, he said something back to Saguru who tried to say something. The other still wasn't comfortable talking with others, but at least he seemed to be a bit more comfortable talking with him. An arm was around from Saguru and he leaned into the touch. He wasn't alright, the screams going through his head and the other noticed this. Shinichi looked not better as he was as pale and Heiji tried his best to sooth the other. 

Both had sometimes eye contact, and the other had a guilty look. Shinichi looked away and he had enough as he huffed at the other. Hadn't he told the latter that this wasn't his fault? He protected the teen because he didn't want him to get hurt. The detective of the east meant a lot to him and both understood each other as they had gone through something similar. Him with Kaito kid and the other with Conan.

"Alright, Shinichi Kudo stop looking at me like this. I told you before, that this wasn't your fault. I protected you because I wanted to protect you because I knew that you were frozen in place because he was the boss. So stop looking like a kicked puppy."

The other opened his mouth but closed it again, and Kaito wasn't in the mood for this. Hattori pulled Shinichi in a hug, and Saguru had done the same thing. 

"I can't help it. When I wouldn't have been frozen in place, you wouldn't have been shot. I just...why? Why was he the boss of this godforsaken organization? Was he just putting a mask on? Why had he not killed me nor Haibara when he had the chance? I just..."

His voice got more broken and it ends it ended up with him breaking down again. It was hurting him to see the once confident detective that broken. It really was breaking his heart. The two others stayed quiet, but they had confusion seen on them, as well as Saguru. That was why he decided to tell them.

"I will tell them Shin-chan, hope you are fine with this."

The other gave a weak nod. The other looked at him with a thankful look. It seemed that Shinichi told him who the person was the boss of that organization. 

"It all started 10 years ago..."

Kaito started to tell the story, from the beginning about the first Kaito kid, to the part where he took over. Everything, about the organization how they killed his father, how they tried to kill him. And that all because of a jewel who probably never existed. He started to explain as well that Shinichi got involved because he saw a deal and they gave him a drug that shrank him into a 10 years old child. Until to the point what happened yesterday. Of course, he didn't tell the whole details as it was too gruesome, but he told him that the boss was someone who Shinichi knew, a good friend. 

The two stayed silent listening to his story as well to the story of Shinichi. By now the other had calmed down and added stuff to the story he didn't know. He leaning into the touch of Saguru and stopped talking. His body was shaking and that yesterday took a toll on both mentally and physically. 

"Oh my god, Aoko is sorry Kaito. Aoko didn't know you had it that hard. Aoko will try to be more sensible."

Kaito gave a small nod. He was exhausted and just wanted to sleep. But he knew that there was one more thing, what his father figure now will say.

"I am sorry as well. I didn't know that you had burdened yourself with all this. I am sorry about everything that I said to you when you where Kaito Kid. I hope you can forgive me and Aoko as well."

Kaito looked up and giving a small tired smile.

"It's alright, you two didn't know..."

The other let out a sigh as he pulled the other with him as he dozed off.




Saguru blinked a few times as he felt himself being dragged down with the other, and hearing him snoring softly. He let out a sigh as he moved the blanket up to him and trying to get out of his grasp, but it seems that he couldn't so he gave up. Saguru was worried about Kaito and as well for Shinichi. The other seemed different now, more emotional. He wondered who it was, the boss behind all this. And his gut feeling wasn't liking it as it told him that it wasn't finished yet.

His throat tightens again as he felt fear washing over him. He knew that feeling, eyes who were watching him. He managed to slip out of the grasp as his eyes looked at the direction he felt those menacing eyes. This made him swallow hard right in front of him at the roof where two people. Both wore black and he could feel their eyes bore more into him. Opening his mouth to say something, anything but there was nothing. He couldn't get himself to talk, and so he looked at Shinichi and made his eyes trail back to the place where these two where. As soon as he saw what he saw he let out a groan. The other probably was just done with that fiasco, and who would blame him?

"Guys everyone down on the ground now! KAITO WAKE THE FUCK UP AND GET DOWN AS WELL!"

His voice calm, yet there was urgency, which woke Kaito up. Looking at Shinichi he understood and slipped down on the ground, as he got pulled down with Kaito. He was on the ground now as well. Aoko and Nakamori were confused but done at what the other detective told them. As soon as they have done, the glass shattered, as hearing this he put himself over Kaito and protecting him from the glass pieces, and shooting began. It was his instincts who were faster than his thinking. At least he didn't get too injured by the glass. Some gut through him, but he couldn't really care less about him getting cut.

Kaito was surprised by this and soon he began to shake, as the shooting hadn't stopped yet. He soon could hear Kaito curse under his breath and taking the other into his embrace as he was feeling terrified. At least he felt safe in the arms of the other. 

He could be heard the scream of Aoko. The girl was terrified and he could hear that in her scream. Soon the shooting stopped, but no one dared to move, as the door opened and someone rushed into, which he guessed from the voice was a nurse.


The person tried to get down as well, but it was too late as another shooting was made, there was a wet thud and soon it stopped again. No one moved as they knew that there could still be more coming. A girl was sobbing and Nakamori trying to calm the one who sobbed.

"No one moves, they still could be there. Shinichi I think we need to warn the person you called."

The other let out a few curses and pulling out his phone. Typing something in and cursing more as another bullet shower came. These people really are persistence. By now Saguru was clinging on Kaito like his dear life depended, as he was terrified.

"Saguru, listen to my voice, everything will be fine. As long as we don't move we won't get hit. Breath in and out calmly and steadily."

Kaito began to breathe in and out calmly and he has done the same way soon his breathing was calm. A phone was ringing and he jumped slightly. The room air felt tense and there was a smell lingering, metallic wait what? He looked to the side and let out a horrified scream. On the ground was the nurse bloodied and in a pool of blood. He was a detective for christ's sake, but this was too much to handle. He was being pulled into a hug, and something soft on his lips. Terrified blue eyes met calm indigo ones. He soon melted into the kiss and the hug. The kiss was left, but his face was now buried into Kaito. His boyfriend made sure that he wasn't looking again.




Wow, was that intense. I hope it was as intense when reading it like when I wrote it. I hope you enjoyed it. I just thought it was logical for the once who escaped to try and kill them once who has stopped the organization. With this, I hope you a fantastic day, until next time ja ne.~

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