Chapter Forty-Six

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All of a sudden Jimin stops. He looks at a certain area of your neck and pulls away. "What is this?" He's pointing at something. You look down but you can't see. "I can't see. What is it?" You ask. "It's a hickey."

Fuck. For Real? Did Jungkook gave you a hickey last night? "Wait let me see." You stand up and walk to the mirror. There it is. Red, round and obviously not from Jimin. He has only been kissing your face. What do you do know? Lie? He wouldn't believe you. You wanted to tell him about Jungkook anyways, but not in this way. You turn around to Jimin and see his hands in fists. He looks so angry.

"Y/N! WHAT IS THIS?" He screams. He never screamed at you this way. He's furious. "You didn't go home last night after leaving here right?" You shake your head. "I went... I went to Jungkook's. I'm sorry Jimin. Let me explain." But Jimin doesn't let you explain: "So I reject you, because I'm decent. I didn't want to take advantage of you and what do you do? You go to the next best guy and make out with him?" You shake your head. "Jimin, please..." You don't know what to do.

"And then you come running back to me, telling me you love me while last night you've been with Jungkook the whole time. Tell me, did you sleep with him?" "No I didn't. I passed out before we could..." Ah FUCK! "Ah okay, so you wanted to? Good to know. Well lucky me, you passed out before. But if you didn't you would have slept with him. And here you are, letting me kiss you, telling me you love me, when clearly you don't. You would not kiss another guy the night before realising that you love me. That's not true love. That's just bullshit. And I have to find out by finding the hickey. When did you want to tell me, y/n? "

"Jimin, I'm sorry, let me explain." "Alright, then tell me that that's not what happened last night. Tell me that you didn't nearly sleep with Jungkook, after trying to make out with me." You can't. It's the truth. What are you supposed to say? The tears start running down your face, you want to speak, but your throat feels like it's been tied with a string.

For a couple of seconds there is only silence. You can hear Jimins heartbeat, although he stands two meters away. You can feel how the earth is shaking underneath your feet.

"Please, leave." Jimin is crying. You don't move. "LEAVE!" He screams and opens the door of his room. You run out. You can barely see through all tears.

What have you done? You just blew the chance to be with the person you truly love. To be happy. You exit the apartment and run down to the street.

Run. Run. Run. Until you can't breathe anymore. Why did you go to Jungkook's last night? It's just like you realised this morning, now you hurt two guys. Who have done nothing wrong. You hurt them because you're a terrible person. You want to look for your car, but all of the sudden everything turns pitch black and you can only feel your head hitting something hard.

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