Chapter1/The Beat Up

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(Erens POV)

I was in Levis office when he put chains on me ,had his foot on my stomach while I was on my knees and had his hand gripped on my hair with a blade against my neck.

"Now ,you shitty brat the next time you don't finish your chores I won't be afraid to kill you especially when you don't clean the house" he said now tracing the blades tip around my neck.

"Y-yes corporal p-please forgive me i-i will do b-better next time"I said with fear all over my face now.

"You better you shitty brat ,cause next time you don't I'm going to be the one who kills you early, Now clean your shelf up you shitty brat" he said after giving me a kick to the chest and a punch to the eye ,and I didn't understand why he did this to me all the time, I then started to cry while laying on the floor.

(Levis POV)

After I gave Eren his lesson for not finishing his chores which I hate when he doesn't do his cleaning chores especially, I heard him cry a bit which was music to my ears to hear that brat cry in fear and pain of his corporal. I had feelings for that brat that I don't understand but I would never tell him, besides if I did and he rejected me I would have beat him until he dies.

After that I headed towards lunch and saw the brat was cleaned up and gave him a glare to sit at the squads table. When he arrived he sat next to Petra and Hanji, picking at his food while I sat there and drank my tea glaring at him the whole time even though Hanji was just annoying the fuck out of everyone at the table with her stupid jokes and questions and I was about to drop kick her 6 feet into the ground.

Once lunch was over everyone was gone except me ,and Eren was about to leave when I grabbed the back of his collar and threw him onto the floor and pressed my foot against his back and stomped on his hand.

"Brat your punishment is too clean the whole top floor and if you don't finish by dinner your sleeping with the horses you brat" I said with a smirk and gave him another kick to the back of his head and walked to my room.

(Erens POV)

After walked away I started to cry a little at how much pain I was in but I had too finish my work so I wouldn't get hit again.

When I got all my cleaning stuff I clean the whole attic and complained at why there were so many spider web's were up here, then cleaned the other 6 rooms on the floor spot less so he won't make me do it again or kill me in the process.


After 3 hours of cleaning I was done and got myself cleaned up and headed out side in the training grounds to talk with Armin.

"Hey Armin" I said with a bord expression.

"Oh, hey Eren how are you?" He said with a smile.

"Bad, very bad Armin" I said almost crying.

"Well whats wrong Eren you can tell me" He said with concern in his voice.

"Well Levi has been beating me repeatedly every day for a while and he's been leaving scars and bruises on me" I said with tears forming in my eyes.

"Oh Eren, I'm so sorry but don't worry I'm sure it will stop soon I mean it cant get worse right?"he said now hugging me until Levi came.

"Oi Arlert, you are to clean the entire third floor and Eren meet me in my office in 10 minutes" he said with a cold glare as he walked away.

"Huu, well I guess him beating to you Is rubbing off on me ,but when you get there just hope he wont try to hurt you again or Mikasa might kill him for you" he said with laughter and I almost smiled at him because I forgot how good of a friend he was to me.

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