Chapter6/Armins Death

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(Erens POV)

I was in the forest looking for my horse on my gear until I saw him a mile away and was able to catch him before he ran away. I then rode back to Levi on my horse hoping a titan didn't eat him yet.

"Levi I'm back!" I yelled the moment I saw him.

"You don't have to yell brat, you'll attract titans" he said as I got of my horse and ran up to him.

"Well how are you feeling so far?" I asked kneeling down to him.

"Well I have good news: my horse found me and I'm healing up a little bit so I can stand a bit" he said.

"Then lets go before titans come I don't want a dead superior slash boyfriend" I said teasing with a small smile.

"Don't rush me brat I'm injured" he said and got up but limping when he stood up.

"Alright so we should head northwest and avoid titans if we see them and fire a fare to signal if someone's around" I said.

"Fine but before we I have to tell you something" he said with a blank face.

"Yeah sure" I said.

"Eren I think we should keep are relationship a secret" he said which made me sad but it was for the best..I guess.

"Yes corporal..I I understand" I said looking down but he gave a reassuring kiss and I gave a smile.

"Well then lets head out now" he said and we got on are horses and left.

We had been passing by 15-meter titans and towns until we saw a green fare fire and we found are selves a few miles away from the legion in a small village. I then found Armin running up to me the moment I got of my horse.

"Eren, where were you I thought you died, oh my what happened!"He said with tears in his eyes.

"Well corporal got injured and I was healing him but it took a while to get back to you guys" I said.

"Well it's great to know you and corporal are OK" he said and I gave a smile happened.

"THE ARMORED TITAN ,RUN RUN!!!!!!" Someone yelled and caused people everywhere to get of the roofs and on there horses and run like hell.

"LEVI!!" I yelled only to find he was already on his horse heading northwest.

I then got on mine and started running as fast as possible until I looked back and saw...Armin punched into a building by the Armored titan and then stomped on.

"ARMIN ,YOU BASTERED I'LL KILL YOU!!!" I yelled in anger and bit my hand causing me to turn into a titan ready to kill the bastered.

(Levis POV)

I then saw a flash of lightning and saw the brat turn into a titan. 'oh god' I thought as I got of my horse and jumped on a building to watch this brat and hope he can at leat weaken him. He first delivered a punch was was dodged and was kicked back into a building but he was able to charge but at him and slam him into a building. I was impressed at the brat he was able to fight the Armored Titan. He then started ripping the things arm of until he punched his jaw of and kicked him back into the building. Eren garbed his leg before he could stomp on him but he was too late he stomped on his head and ran away. I then swooped down and cut him out, we were able to get back with the legion and get him on a wagon.

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