Chapter4/Day Before 57th Expedition Behind The Walls

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(Erens POV)

When I got out if bed I was scared out of my mind. I knew Levi can hurt me in every way but he contaminated my dreams now and that's really messed up.

I decided to stay away from him as long as I can until tomorrow for the expedition. But it was impossible not to be found by him sooner or later. When I headed for breakfast I was pinned to the wall by no other than Levi.

"Oi,brat after breakfast you have to clean the stables and feed the horses and make them spot less or else" he said and gave a punch to the stomach and walked away.

I sighed then entered the dining hall. When I got my food I sat next to Mikasa, Armin, Connie, And Krista.

"Hey guys"I greeted them but they all released a "hi..nng" due too the food in their mouths but Mikasa whispered something in my ear.

"Eren meet me in the hall now" she said and I sighed. After I finished eating I met Mikasa in the hall like she said.

"Eren ,I know that corporals been beating you up and your doing nothing about it" she said but I didn't think she ever knew about it.

"No he hasn't Mikasa it's not nice to say stuff like that about people you know especially corporal" I said with slight anger.

"Oh really than whats this cut on the side of your neck" she said touching the cut corporal gave me.

"OK, yes corporals been beating me but it's none of your business" I said and walked away and left her with a stunned face.

Once i got to the stables I started with cleaning the horses and then feed them. I washed the floors and cleaned the windows spotless. Then came corporal.

"I finished cleaning the stables sir and fed the horses" I said with a salute and luckily I wasn't punched, cut, kicked ,or hurt in any way.

"Good now to the training grounds and practice on your 3DM gear skills for tomorrow" he said with his usual cold expression.

"Yes, sir!" I said then headed off to the training grounds.

Once there I got my 3DM gear and went into the forest to practice. I glided through the air doing flips ,3demiontional spins and flying high in the sky. Until someone crashed into me causing me fall onto a branch that luckily stopped me from falling all the way to the ground. When I saw it was, it was really Levi then he came the brach I was on and said.

"Brat I'm going to give you a lesson on maneuvering skills" he said and helped me up. He said to shift every time you turn ,accelerate when flying high and fly low when buildings are around. Once he was done giving me the lesson he thought me how to do his titan killing skill. He said advance high then spin when you come into range of killing and to use the wires as a slingshot while you attack.

When we finished training we headed to dinner but this time I sat next to him and he didn't hurt me as much to day and was actually being nice to me.

Once dinner was over I went to my room and changed for bed. I then started to think if I liked Levi but even if I did he probably all ready has millions off women who want him and not me but I had to push it aside until tomorrow for the expedition.

(Eren x Levi)Why Do You Hurt Me?Where stories live. Discover now