Chapter17/The Outside World

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(Erens POV)

We woke up to a loud noise of thumping and the ground shaking which could of only sent one thing. The titans are here.

I got up and pit my gear on as fast as I could and helping Isabel with hers.

"What do we do?"I asked Levi.

"Head to Wall Maria, from there we break in your basement then head out again but we first have to take down these titans so they don't get in are way"he said and took of on his era slicing the titan a head of us neck.

"Come on Mikasa"u said and took off on my gear as well.

I saw a titan a feet away from me so I flew towards it and used Levis killing technic and sliced the titans nape making it fall down.

We kept going and flew over a village until my gas wasted and I came falling out of the sky and crashing on to a building. I had blood coming from my nose, eyes and hands in cluding my legs. I saw Levi, Miaksa and Isabel land near me with Levi running towards me with tears in his eyes.

"Eren, Eren, Eren please don't die that's an order!"he said kneling down next to me.

"Levi......I......I' regeneration ability isn't.......working"I was able to say.

"Its OK Eren....just promise me not to go into the light and stay away from it"he said whiping away some blood ony face.

"I love you Levi, always remember that and don't forget that you.......are the greatest person in the world to me......I want you to move on and live on in the world"I said.

I started to see it and feel steam coming off my body I heard pleases, and yelling but ignored it as I started to see my mother after that I was consumed intirely by the light and was hugged by my mother as it real.

(Levis POV)

I hugged Eren tightly as he didn't listen to me and went into the light. I cried loudly into his chest as I realized the love of my life was gone.

I beat him, I loved him, I saved him, he saved me, now hes......gone , because I couldn't save him and I brought him all this pain from the start. When I said we would take down the walls, when his friend died because he was following me so he wasn't able to help him, and when he was so close to death by Erwin.......why didn't I just do what he told me and tell him I loved him so he could leave Eren alone.

"Aggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!"I yelled in anger and dispar as years rolled down my cheeks and driped down onto his shirt.

"Whyyyyyyyyy Goddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"I yelled into the sky.

"Look its going to be fine Levi......he would of wanted you to keep going. He was a great guy who loved you and I know he would of wanted you to move on"Mikasa said helping me back up.

I dried my tears and saw Isabel put some flowers on his chest and closed his eyes then cried into his chest.

"Its OK Isabel, he's in a better place now with his mother and friend"I said rubbing her back.

"Noooo, its not fair. He was so nice and sweet plus he loved all of us......its not fair he died this way"she said and sobbed louder into his chest.

"It isn't fair I know, but he said he wanted us to move and that's what we're doing."I said and picked Erens live less body up and jumped of the building. I walked around and found some horses asleep in town and a wagon. I put Eren in the wagon and tied the horses then we all road off and exitied the walls.

(Time Skip)

We then reached a large area of water as night came. The water was soft and calm. I picked unhooked the horses from the wagon and took of the wheels off, I set the wagon on the shore of the water then we all said a prayer.

"He was a great guy even though I just met him, he knew just how to be kind and sweet......and I'm said to let him go"Isabel said.

"I knew him my whole life, always happy or angry and......he would try to prove him self that he was mature enough for me to stop pretecting him...hehehe but it pains my heart to see the love of my life go"Mikasa said and I started tearing up.

"I only knew him for a short time till I realized I loved him. He would always try yo cheer me up even when a dark guy like me can't he was the sunshine in all my life. And now that he is gone.........their is no more light in my life."I said and pushed the wagon into the sea, the thing hr wanted to see the most......The outside world.

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