Chapter9/Here Comes Mikasa

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(Erens POV)

When I recovered well enough Levi said I can go If I want. I didn't want to but I had to make sure Mikasa knows I'm alive and so she won't kill everyone in the regiment.

I was walking down the halls until I found Mikasa's room. I knocked a few times and heard a few stomps and groans.

"Unless your Eren's sprit go the hell away!" She said through the door and I sighed.

"I'll do you one better, its Eren who's still alive" I said smugly then heard running towards the door until it was pulled open.

"Eren! Thank God your OK ,you made me worried sick, don't ever run off like that!!" She said hugging me until I was breathless.

"Well, I got hit and alomst saw the grim reper sooo yeah I'm fine really" I said with small smile and chuclking.

"Well I'm happy your OK and your not hurt as bad" she said making the hugg gentler.

"Corporal found me on the ground half way to seeing Marco,Armin and mom" I said.

"What do you mean....that Cor- that little bastered found you" she said aggravated.

"Hey! Levis not a bastered and thats not nice to say. He found me and tended my wounds himself. He doesn't hurt me anymore Mikasa" I said pulling her away.

"Eren...what are you saying about that..that..that fucking midget bastered!" She said and this time I was angry. Hiw dare she say that about my boyfriend!!.

"Mikasa stop it, you don't understand. Me..and him....(sigh)well each other" I said and she had a dark expression.

"Eren how can you love someone who hurt you repeatedly and worse they're the ones who are going to break your heart sooner or later" she said stretching the'going' and 'to'.

"He won't Mikasa ,why won't you understand I love him and he loves me.(sigh) If you wont be able to understand then...I don't think you and I will be able to continue to be-" she cut me off and said.

"Okay...I'm sorry I denied your love for him...but if he breaks your heart...I'm going to break his" I sighed and walked away.

I started to think 'Who dose she think she is telling me I can't love Levi. He's everything and he's rge only person I love. And I don't care what anyone thinks he and I are in love..and no one will break us apart.

I then walked back into Levi's room and found he was drunk and I mean wayyyyyyy drunvk. There was a entire empty bottle of scotch on the ground and a shirtless Levi on the bed but all I can do is stand there like an idiot looking at his..EIGHT PACK!!...HOW THE HELL CAN SOMEONE GET THOSE!! I was a blushing brat like he always called me until he saw me.

"Oi are you going to stand there or what?" He asked sitting up.

"Uhh..n-no" I stuttered.

"Then come sit with me" he said softening his tone as I walked towards the bed and sat next to him.

"What's wrong Eren you look sad" he said.

"Well I told my sister what happened and she...well-" he cut me off by smashing his lips against mine pushing me down on the bed.

"Look brat I don't care what orher people think as long as I have you nothing can hurt me or you" he said continuing to kiss me but more softy.

"Levi..I love you" I said in his ear.

"I love you too Eren and to show it...I'm a fuck your brains out" he said and I got a deep colour of red brushed against my face.

(Levis POV)

I knew I was drunk like a pig but I always do this because it relaxes me when I'm tense and after I kissed the brat I knew I wanted to take his virginity.

"At least take it slow" he said but as much as I wanted to go fast I had to do this for Eren.

"Fine quiet and let me pleasure you Eren" I said and kissed him more ,licking his bottom lip asking for entrance as he opened and took dominance without trying able to explore his mouth and count his teeth.

This kept getting intense as I started to unbutton his shirt and exploring his chest. I found out he had some abs but not better than mine. I then started to kiss his neck looking for his sweet spot and found him moaning the moment I bit down.

"Nng..ahng..levi" he moaned out making me smirk as I pulled away and whispered in his ear.

"If you want..I can make you scream my name?" I said with a smirk but his face heated up fast.

"Um...I dont know what to say" he said.

"Then don't say anything and let your corporal take care of you" I said seductively in his ear.

I then took of his shirt and jacket kissing his chest down to his pants. I then unbundled them and removed them admiring his bulge. I looked up and he as red as tomato hiding it with his hands but I ignored and took of his boxers ,and continued to suck on his erection making him moan.

"Ahh..le-vi..ngg" he maoned out out as I pulled away and kissed him more.

I then took of my pants and boxers. He then had an embarrassed look on his face and I smirked as I entered him.

"" he moaned as I thrusted into him faster and faster trying to find his sweet spot as he moved his fingers around my back and chest until.

"Levi!" He said and kept hitting that spot faster and faster as he dug his finger nails into my back until.

"'m" he said.

"Me too" I said

"Levi!!" He screamed until I released in him and him on my chest. We then fell back on the bed panting.

"That was..amazing Levi" he said panting from tiredness.

"I told you I can make you srceam my name I said with pleasure" I said with a grin.

"Thank you..for being with me Levi" he said holding my hand.

"I love you Eren" I said and kissed his forehead as he blushed

"Now go to sleep I'm exhausted from today..and from pounding you" I said and he blushed even more.

"Fine..fine" he said and layed on my chest as we fell asleep.

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