Chapter8/Life's Not So Bad

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(Levis POV)

When I woke up I found I had my arms around this he's not a brat....he' tall soldier who I love,..he's Eren Jaeger my boyfriend. I Moved a strand of hair out of his face and saw he was cuddled into my bear chest with a smile. I then slowly and carefully got out of my bed and put his head on my pillow and went to take a shower.

When I got out I found that the brat was still asleep so I shock him slightly but he just groaned and moved over so I pushed him off my bed and quickly got up on impact.

"Hey, what was that for" he said.

"Because brat, it's time to get up and eat plus I know both of us are starving after the day we had yesterday" I said with the same cold tone I always have.

"Fine, but can I use your bathroom?" he asked but I just rolled my eyes.

"Go ahead,I'll meet you in the dining hall" I said and put on my shirt and jacket back on as I watched him go to the bathroom.

(Erens POV)

When I got in to the bathroom I took off my clothes and turned on the water. I then cleaned myself and thought about Levi.

'His lips tasted like bitter tea that was sweet at the same time, he had amazing abs and great hair. Yet why does he like me ,I'm not perfect like him, I have barely a four pack, I'm not strong and I'm just But he must have a reason he likes me ,right?'.

When I finished  I got out the shower and dried my self then put back my clothes and got ready for breakfast.

Once I got to the dining hall I got my food and sat next to Jean ,Krista and Mikasa.

"Hey Mikasa" I said with a frown.

"Are you still sad about Armin"she said which attracted attention from the table.

"I'm fine Mikasa,really" I said playing with my food.

"I'm sorry I'm just concerned" she said grasping my hand in hers

"It's okay, be sides....we all go one day..I guess Armin was chosen a bit to early" holding back my tears.

"How's about we go and practice with are maneuvering could be fun" she said and I sighed and nodded.

We outside putting are maneuvering gears on. Once we got them on we zoomed through the trees ,doing tricks in the air and flying low by the ground until when I flew a bit high and zoomed down, I got hit by someone or something and I fell to the ground and almost blacked out but landed on a grass field.

I then saw someone wearing there uniform with there hod on. I couldn't make out there face until they came up to me and I blacked out from the pain.

I then woke up in Levis room some how. Levi was hovering above me ,just staring at me with his cold eyes until I saw him smirk at me.

"Well your finally awake ,I was starting to think I lost you" he said with softness in his eyes.

"W-what happened t-to me" I said barely able to speak.

"Well you crashed into someone and they just left you there so when I found you I took you to my room" he said.

"Well ,thank you Levi" I said with a small smile.

"I didn't want anything to happen to you besides your sister couldn't even find you when you crashed" he said.

"Well I think I'm getting better" I said trying to sit up but only got more pain in my back and head.

"Don't force your self Eren your get hurt more" he said pushing me back down to the bed.

"Besides if your already healed that means I can't be able to do this" he said and leaned in and gave me a soft passionate kiss ,biting my lower lip asking for entrance and I allowed but there really was no reason for me to fight for dominance since he always wins without trying.

He explored every part of my mouth making me moan and I could see he was smirking. I just rolled my eyes and allowed him to continue to mouth fuck me. He then pulled away from breath loss.

"Your good at this you know brat" he said making me blush so I covered my face with my hands to hide it.

"Don't hide it you look cute when you blush" he said which made blush even more.

"Look at me Eren" he said which surprised me since he never said my name.

"You said my name...but you never do?" I asked taking my hands away from my face.

"Because..Eren..I love you and I think I should call you by your name the same way you do with me" he said which almost made me cry with happiness.

"I love you too..Levi" I said and started to think ' maybe he loved me just because..and I loved him..I guess my life's not so bad after all'.

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