Chapter10/Hell Is On Its Way

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(Erens POV)

When I woke up I remembered all the events of yesterda...and why I'm naked. I got out of Levis bed not waking him up and got into the bathroom for a shower.

Once I finished I put on my uniform and woke up Levi so he won't be late for breakfast by shaking him but he just groaned and turned over still asleep. I sighed from annoyance and shoke him non stop until he finally woke up.

" you want brat" he said barely awake.

"We need to get up so we can eat breakfast and so people don't get suspicious about us duh" I said to him and received a groan so I pudhed him of the bed.

"What the hell brat are you trying to kil-" I cut him off by pressing my lips against his in a soft kiss as he kissed back, licking my bottom lip asking for permission, as I allowed he stuck his tongue into my mouth licking every part of my mouth making me moan until I broke away in sadness.

"Hows about we save it for tonight and we go get breakfast for now" I said seductively in his voice.

"Fine but your sitting next to me" he said and I nodded and headed to breakfast.

(Levis POV)

I took a shower and washed Erens Cum of my chest.

"Filthy brat" I said to myself in the shower.

Once I finished I but my uniform on and headed out for breakfast. When I got there I saw Eren sitting next Petra eating some oatmeal.

I then got myself some tea and sat down next to Eren who was talking to Hanji about what it was like the first time he transformed.

I sat there annoyed until he looked over at me and smiled softly. I kept my cold glare and desperately tried not to blush until Erwin also known as 'eye brows' made a speech to the crowd.

"Attention all scouts, in one week we will start the 58th expedition behind the walls and until then we will train and study so we can ne able to get to wall Maria without so many casualties, that is all" he said and right after people started whispering about how crazy he must be after last time we went out the walls including multiple people crying.

The thing that really scared me Eren. He was as still as a statue with no signs of emotions. I tried tapping him but he ignored and stood up.

"If you'll excuse me" he said and left the dinning hall.

I got really worried now'where was he going? What is going on with him? Why did he ignore me? God don't tell me ge was running away from his fears again.

I then left the room running threw the dam halls, I swear these fucking halls are like a maze. I then found him out in the garden by the forest. He was just standing there ,motionless in the field of blue, red and white flowers with a blade in his hand and tears streaming down his face.

I approached him slowly until I was in front of him.

"Eren whats wrong? Why did you leave? Why were you ignoring me?" I asked but he just stood there still crying until he opened his mouth and said.

"I-i-I'm sorry Levi, I-I didn't mean to be rude by ignoring You's because of what happened to Armin..what if this time it was me or Mikasa...or you"he said looking up to me with blood on his cheek.

"Eren it won't be like last time because I'm going to protect you no matter what and your sister won't die either.....but why do you have blood on your face?" I said but he clenched his blade drawing more blood from his hand.

"Just don't ask Levi...just..just dont ask" said falling to his knees dropping the blade and continuing to cry as a came to his level and said.

"Ok Eren but lets go back in so I can take care of your wound plus it's getting cold and I don't want you sick" I said and helped him up as we continued walking towards the castle but the only thing I could think about was that...Hell Is On It's Way.

(Eren x Levi)Why Do You Hurt Me?Where stories live. Discover now