Chapter13/Levi Rivaille, The Hero Titan

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(Erens POV)


A flash of lightning came down from the sky ,striking Levi and blowing me of the roof with a flash of light and steam covered the area. Once it cleared it show....Levi as a titan. He had black hair with two giant teeth and ripped cheeks , with an..EIGHT PACK!!! And glowing eyes of light.

He was the perfect titan that could probably take down the Armored Titan by himself. He roared with such high pitch it was amaxing my ears weren't bleeding. He then started running towards three titans thay were coming this way and kicked the two 5-meter class titans in the air and punched the 9-meter class titan back into a building with a clock tower as it fell down when it hit him.

He then ran off threw the city as I follow using my gear. He took out 10 titans so far and did it all without using full strength until...he came.

The Armored Titan came running from the whole in the outer gate and tried to tackle my Hero Titan but Levi was so strong he was able to push back without falling down.

That was until the Armored Titan picked him up but wasn't able to throw him until I stuck my blades into its wrists making him drop Levi but counter attacked and kicked him down fast. Once he got back up he stomped on his leg and tried to tar away his arm in the process but was kicked away.

The Armored Titan stud up and started kicking him repeatedly in the stomach as he ripped of his arms. I panicked and did the worse thing ever by trying to cut the things leg of with my blade but it didn't work due too the pallets on his skin but then the strangest thing happened, he stopped kicking Levi and...the nape of its neck started breaking ,releasing steam but I couldn't make out who the bastered was until he jumped down toward me but he had his face hidden from Survey Corps cap that wasn't melted off.

"Well little Eren Jaeger, it seems now you don't have any proof to show how you can transform, what the titans are and why Levi is now a titan shifter like us. So why fight me when you should fight him, after all he is the person who beats you up everyday for no particular reason and who now some how fell in 'love' with you after you saved him. I'm pretty sure he didn't love you because why would he be making out with Petra the day you saved him."  He said darkly but his voice was so familiar and how could he know all olf this.

"How do you know any of this and...who are you?" I said backing away a but only to have...BERTHOLDT!! Stop me from moving any more.

"Bertholt?!...wh..what are you doing here?" I said turning around to see him but Reiner tackled me down and dragged me into a wagon with what I saw was....ANNIE?!

"What the bloody gell is going on!?" I said to Annie but she kept her usual blank face and pulled me more in then cgained my arms to a metal bar.

"Well, just be quite and we'll explain everything to you once we get your short boyfriend out of his form. But for now..." she said and knocked me out cold, all I could say anything else.

---------------ATTACK ON TITAN----------------------

I woke up in a dark room tied to a metal pole sitting down on a hard floor. I tried to move my hands but the knots were incredibly strong so I couldn't break free. I tried to call out but my mouth was tied shut so I couldn't speak until I heard some arguing out the room.

"What should we do with him, he clearly won't join unless we threaten him to"A voice said which sounded like Annies.

"Don't worry I have everything under control plus I'm sure I'll get him to crack" Reiner said threw the door and opened it to show his evil grin with Annie as next to him.

"OK let's get one thing straight Eren..I'm the Armored Titan, Annie's the Female Titan, Bertholdt is the Colossal Titan and Ymir is the Beast Titan" he said and I couldnt believe it, the people I grew close with and trained with are really just enemies to humanity.

"Now ,I'm going to untie you and if you think about running Annie will break your legs"Reiner said taking off the knots while Annie leaned on the door way.

Once he took them off he untied the rope in my mouth.

"Okay so why did you all kiddnapp me"I said feeling the scares left on my wrists from the rope.

"We'll get to that later right now I think you should go see your boyfriend he'll explain everything to you as to why your here" he said but how does Levi know any of this he was in his titan form when this happened....but

(Erens Flashback)

I was in the training grounds hugging Armin after I told him about Levi, I heard Reiner and Levi talking about 'me', 'underground cities' and some other thing about 'new transfermation'. I didn't understand anything they were talking about until I was broken away from my thoughts by a smack to the face.

(End Of Flashback)

"Oww"I said when Annie left a hot hand print on my face.

"Stop whining and get up" she said.

I got up and went outside the room to go find Levi. I walked around and saw that Ymir was in the livingroom playing cards with Bertholdt as I walked pass they saw me and gave me a glare. I then came to the end of the hall and to a room at the end of it. I knocked on the door and waited for a response until the door opened and saw....a little girl?

"Hello there you must be Eren right?" The little girl with a orangish-redish hair with height up to my leg.

"Yeah and who are you?" I asked the girl getting on one knee for a better view of her face.

"I'm Isabel and if your trying to find big brother hes in here"she said kindly letting me in but 'big brother' really have you seen his height.

I walked in the room and saw Levi sitting on a chair relaxing like an idiot with his eyes closed.

"Yeah you should probably keep it down he's sleeping after completing phase one of plan 'wealthy and love'" she said whispering but what was 'wealthy and love'.

"Ohhhh kkk, um do you mind telling me where I am" I said.

"Oh your in Wall Sinas Underground City" she said with a smile and my eyes widened with shock and fear 'why the hell would they take me here? What the hell is going on? God I knew I should of listened to Mikasa about Levi. Stupid ,stupid ,stupid aww. What the fuck have you gotten your self into Eren!!!' I thought.

I turned and looked at Levis sleeping figure he was so clam and relaxed like never before but I will not give in to his petfection. I have to find a way out of here if its the last thing I do.....but I skould at least find out why we're here and why he wasn't tied up but I was.

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